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Scottish Baby Names, Meanings

1050 names found for "Scottish"   (page 12 of 21) 

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Irvine  (Scottish)
Variant of Ervin: Beautiful
Irving  (Scottish)
From the City. Friend, As a Variant of Irvin
Isa  (Scottish)
Oath of God. Scottish Variant of Isabel
Iseabail  (Scottish)
God is My Oath; a Gaelic Form of Isabel. Variations: Ishbel. Pet Name: Beileag. (Is-eh-bel)
Iseabal  (Scottish)
Scottish Form of Isabel: Consecrated to God
Ishbel  (Scottish)
Oath of God
Isla  (Scottish)
From the Name of a Scottish River
Isobel  (Scottish)
Scottish Form of Isabel: Consecrated to God
Iver  (Scottish)
Ivor  (Scottish)
Archer, Bow Warrior;A Scottish Form of Ivar, a Name Introduced by Scandinavian Settlers. it is Derived from the Old Norse Elements Yr (Yew, Bow) and Herr (Warrior, Army). Imhear, Lomhair, and Lomhar a
Jackee  (Scottish)
Form of Jacob (Jacobina, Jacki, Jackie, Jacoba, Jacobette)
Jackie  (Scottish)
God Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. Based on John or Jacques
Jackson  (Scottish)
God Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. Based on John or Jacques
Jacky  (Scottish)
God Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. Based on John or Jacques
Jacoba  (Scottish)
Variant of Jacobina: Supplanter. Feminine Version of the Name Jacob, Used Occasionally in Scotland
Jacobina  (Scottish)
Supplanter. Feminine Version of the Name Jacob, Used Occasionally in Scotland
Jaime  (Scottish)
Variant of Jacob Supplanter
Jaime  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jaimee  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jaimelynn  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jaimi  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jaimie  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jamee  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
James  (Scottish)
Jamesina  (Scottish)
Supplanting, Seizing by the Heel. A Feminine Form of James. Pet Form: Jamie. (Jay-meh-see-nah)
Jamey  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jami  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jamia  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jamie  (Scottish)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jamie  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jamielee  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jamieson  (Scottish)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jamilyn  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jamison  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jan  (Scottish)
God Has Been Gracious. A Diminutive of Janet, Which is a Feminine Form of John
Janet  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Janetta  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Jannet  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Janneth  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Janneth  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Jaymee  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jaymie  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jean  (Scottish)
Scottish Version of the Old French Jehane, a Feminine Form of John: God is Gracious
Jeanette  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Jean: Scottish Version of the Old French Jehane, a Feminine Form of John: God is Gracious
Jeanie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Jean: Scottish Version of the Old French Jehane, a Feminine Form of John: God is Gracious
Jeanne  (Scottish)
God is Gracious; a Pet Form of Jean, Jeanie is Also Used As an Independent Given Name. (Janins Jeane, Jean, Jeannie, Jeannine, Jeanette)
Jeannette  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Jean: Scottish Version of the Old French Jehane, a Feminine Form of John: God is Gracious
Jeannie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Jean: Scottish Version of the Old French Jehane, a Feminine Form of John: God is Gracious
Jen  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Janet. God Has Been Gracious
Jess  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Jessie: a Diminutive of Janet. Also a Diminutive of Jessamine or Jessical
1050 names found for "Scottish"   (page 12 of 21) 

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