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Meaning of the Name Isobel

The first name Isobel is of Scottish, Spanish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: Scottish Form of Isabel: Consecrated to God
Spanish: Variant of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth

Similar Names

Isabel | Isabela | Ishbel | Isibeal | Isobail | Izabel |

Related Names

Isabel  (English)
God is Oath; Derived from the Spanish Isabella, a Version of Elizabeth. Variations: Isbel, Isobel; Iseabail, Ishbel (Gaelic). (Is-ah-bel)

Additional Names

Inigo | Sajjad | Hillock | Artemisia | Maroth | Stavros | Bellden | Wanetta | Cele | Rivalen | Esta | Nimrim | Rolf | Amett | Nike |