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Baby names beginning with "B"

2435 names found for "B"   (page 1 of 49) 

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Baabar  (Muslim)
Variant of Babar: Lion. King of Jungle
Baadi  (Islamic)
Distinct, Evident, Plain
Baageshree  (Hindu)
Beauty,A Classical Tune/Taal in Hindustani Music
Baahi  (Islamic)
Glorious, Magnificent
Baahir  (Muslim)
Variant of Bahir: Dazzling. Brilliant
Baal  (Biblical)
Master; Lord
Baal-berith  (Biblical)
Idol of the Covenant
Baal-berith  (Biblical)
Idol of the Covenant
Baal-gad  (Biblical)
Idol of Fortune or Felicity
Baal-gad  (Biblical)
Idol of Fortune or Felicity
Baal-hamon  (Biblical)
Who Rules a Crowd
Baal-hermon  (Biblical)
Possessor of Destruction or of a Thing Cursed
Baal-meon  (Biblical)
Idol or Master of the House
Baal-peor  (Biblical)
Master of the Opening
Baal-perazim  (Biblical)
God of Divisions
Baal-shalisha  (Biblical)
The God That Presides Over Three; the Third Idol
Baal-tamar  (Biblical)
Master of the Palm-tree
Baal-zebub  (Biblical)
God of the Fly
Baal-zephon  (Biblical)
The Idol or Possession of the North, Hidden, Secret
Baal-zephon  (Biblical)
The Idol or Possession of the North, Hidden, Secret
Baalah  (Biblical)
Her Idol; She That is Governed or Subdued; a Spouse
Baalath  (Biblical)
A Rejoicing; Our Proud Lord
Baalath-beer  (Biblical)
Subjected Pit
Baalath-beer  (Biblical)
Subjected Pit
Baali  (Biblical)
My Idol; Lord Over Me
Baalim  (Biblical)
Idols; Masters; False Gods
Baalis  (Biblical)
A Rejoicing; a Proud Lord
Baalzebub  (Biblical)
The Devil; Fallen Angel
Baanah  (Biblical)
In the Answer, in Affliction
Baano  (Muslim)
Variant of Bano: Lady. Princess
Baara  (Biblical)
A Flame, Purging
Baari  (Islamic)
Originator, Creator, One of the Names of Allah
Baaseiah  (Biblical)
In Making, in Pressing Together
Baaseiah  (Biblical)
In Making, in Pressing Together
Baasha  (Biblical)
He That Seeks or Lays Waste
Baasim  (Muslim)
Variant of Basim: Smiling
Baasu  (Hindu)
Bab  (English)
Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Baba  (African)
Born on Thursday
Baba  (Egyptian)
Osiris's Firstborn
Baback  (Persian)
Loving Father
Babafemi  (Egyptian)
Beloved of His Father
Babar  (Hindu)
Babel  (Biblical)
Confusion, Mixture
Babel  (Biblical)
Confusion, Mixture
Baber  (Hindu)
Variant of Babar: Lion
Babette  (French)
A French Diminutive of Elizabeth, a Hewbrew Name Meaning 'My God is Plentiful', Now Frequently Used As an Independent Name
Babita  (Greek)
Babs  (English)
Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Babu  (Egyptian)
Osiris's Firstborn
2435 names found for "B"   (page 1 of 49) 

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Additional Names

Adhamhnan | Tarpeia | Urbano | Balbo | Wuyi | Thy | Mirabella | Coleen | Vihar | Jameel | Loghan | Madeline | Bilqees | Darrel | Ewan |