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Meaning of the Name Janet

The first name Janet is of English, Hebrew, Scottish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: God is Gracious; a Diminutive Form of Jane, Which is a Feminine Form of John
Hebrew: Gift from God
Scottish: Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
English: God's Gracious Gift
English: God Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John

Similar Names

Janneth | Janyd | Janeeta | Janetta | Janette | Janita | Jannat | Jannet | Jennet |

Related Names

Anjanette  (English)
Gift of God's Favor. Blend of Ann and Janet
Anjanique  (English)
Gift of God's Favor. Blend of Ann and Janet
Anjeanette  (English)
Gift of God's Favor. Blend of Ann and Janet
Annjeanette  (English)
Gift of God's Favor. Blend of Ann and Janet
Deonaid  (Gaelic)
God is Gracious; Form of Seonaid, Which is the Gaelic Form of Janet (God is Gracious). (Deh-nade)
Jan  (English)
From the Name Janet
Jan  (Scottish)
God Has Been Gracious. A Diminutive of Janet, Which is a Feminine Form of John
Jan  (English)
Diminutive of Janet: God Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John
Janae  (Hebrew)
Form of Janet
Janetta  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Janetta  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Janetta  (English)
Variant of Janet: God Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John
Janette  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Janette  (French)
God is Gracious
Janette  (English)
Variant of Janet: God Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John
Janice  (Hebrew)
God's Grace (Janis, Jan, Janet, Janette)
Jen  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Janet. God Has Been Gracious
Jennie  (English)
Diminutive of Janet: God Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John. Also a Variant of Jennifer: Fair and Yielding
Jess  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Jessie: a Diminutive of Janet. Also a Diminutive of Jessamine or Jessical
Jessica  (English)
He Beholds or Wealthy or Gift; the Meaning of This Name is Uncertain. The Name is Believed to Be Derived from Jessie ( a Pet Form of Jean and Janet) and Also Thought As a Feminine Form of Jesse (Gift)
Jessie  (Scottish)
A Diminutive of Janet. Also a Diminutive of Jessamine or Jessical
Seona  (Scottish)
An Anglicized Form of Seonaid, the Gaelic Form of Janet, Which is a Diminutive Form of Jane (God is Gracious). Variations: Shona. (Sho-nah)
Seonaid  (Scottish)
God is Gracious; a Gaelic Form of Janet. (Sho-nah)

Additional Names

Gil | Grioghar | Vaibhav | Farrah | Anjanique | Cadi | Lata | May | Gruddyeu | Zalika | Catena | Hamilton | Nelly | Dulcina | Ove |