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Meaning of the Name Jaime

The first name Jaime is of Hispanic, Spanish, Scottish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hispanic: Form of Jam One Who Supplants
Spanish: Supplanter
Scottish: Variant of Jacob Supplanter
Scottish: Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Spanish: Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Spanish: From the Name James

Similar Names

Jakim | Jakome | Jamie | Jamy | Janie | Jayme | Jim | Jaimee | Jaimi | Jaimie |

Related Names

Jaimee  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name
Jaimelynn  (Scottish)
Pet Form of James Used As a Woman's Name

Additional Names

Hrishikesh | Narda | Sal | Cesara | Baabar | Tomik | Arthw | Coilin | Hrocby | Sujata | Dattatreya | Fabrizio | Jarek | Aoidh | Jozsef |