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Names That Mean Rich

302 names found for "Rich"   (page 1 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Rich? We couldn't find the exact name Rich, but listed below are some first names meaning Rich or names similar to the word Rich.

Similar Names

Raca | Race | Ric | Ricco | Rice | Richie | Rick | Ricki | Ricky | Rico |

Related Names

Abbas  (Islamic)
Ancestor of the Abbasid Dynasty of the Islamic Empire Who Ruled As Caliphs of Baghdad (750–1258). He Was the Maternal Uncle of the Prophet Mohammed. A Rich Merchant of Mecca, He Was at First Hostile t
Adair  (English)
Variant of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. from the Old English Name Eadgar, a Compound of 'Ead' Meaning Rich or Happy, and 'Gar' Meaning Spear. Famous Bearer: King Edgar of England; American Author Ed
Adriana  (Spanish)
Dark, Rich
Adrienne  (French)
Dark, Rich
Alberich  (Norse)
A Mythical Dwarf
Aldo  (Teutonic)
Aldrich  (English)
Aged and Wise Ruler
Aldrich  (French)
Old or Wise Ruler
Aldrich  (Teutonic)
Alodia  (Anglo Saxon)
Alodie  (Anglo Saxon)
Althea  (Greek)
Wholesome, from the Verb Meaning 'To Heal'. Althaia Was the Greek Name for the Marshmallow Plant Which Was Believed to Have Healing Powers. Made Popular by Richard Lovelace's Poem 'To Althea, from Pri
Ameera  (Muslim)
Variant of Amirah: Princess. Rich Woman. Leader. Also a Variant of Amira: Well Populated
Amirah  (Muslim)
Princess. Rich Woman. Leader
Anne  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Viii' Anne Bullen, Katharine's Maid of Honour, Afterwards Queen. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Mistress Anne Page, Daughter to Mistress Ford. 'Richard Iii' Lady Anne, Widow of Edward, After
Aric  (Greek)
Form of Richard or Eric
Arich  (Thai)
Ashtaroth  (Biblical)
Flocks, Sheep, Riches
Ashtaroth  (Biblical)
Flocks, Sheep, Riches
Ashtoreth  (Biblical)
Flocks, Sheep, Riches
Ashtoreth  (Biblical)
Flocks, Sheep, Riches
Aubrey  (French)
Blond Ruler, Elf Ruler. from the Old French Auberi, a Form of the Old German Alberich Meaning Elf Ruler
Audfis  (Teutonic)
Audhild  (Norse)
Rich Warrior Woman
Audhilda  (Norse)
Rich Warrior Woman
Audhilde  (Norse)
Rich Warrior Woman
Audrisa  (Teutonic)
Audwin  (Teutonic)
Audwyn  (Teutonic)
Aumerle  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' Duke of Aumerle, Son of the Duke of York
Aven  (Biblical)
Iniquity; Force; Riches; Sorrow
Bagot  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' a Favorite of King Richard
Bedrich  (Czech)
Ruler of Peace
Berkeley  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' Earl Berkeley. 'King Richard Iii' a Gentleman Attending on Lady Anne
Blount  (Shakespearean)
'King John' James Jurney, Servant to Lady Faulconbridge. 'King Richard Iii' Sir James Tyrrel. 'King Richard Iii' Sir James Blount
Bolingbroke  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Roger Bolingbroke, a Conjurer. 'King Richard Ii' Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford, Later 'King Henry Iv'
Bourchier  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Cardinal Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury
Brakenbury  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Robert Shallow, a Country Justice. 'King John' Robert Faulconbridge, and His Father, Sir Robert Faulconbridge. 'King Richard Iii' Sir Robert Brakenbury, Lieutenant of the Tower
Brandon  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, ' Sir John Stanley. 'Henry Vi, Part Iii' Sir William Stanley. 'As You Like It' a Country Fellow, in Love With Audrey. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' a Boy, Son to Page. 'Richard Iii' Sir Will
Buckingham  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' and 'King Henry the Eighth' Duke of Buckingham. 'King Richard Iii' Duke of Buckingham
Bundar  (Islamic)
Rich, Intelligent
Bushy  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' a Favorite of King Richard
Carlisle  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' Bishop of Carlisle
Chizkia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chizkiah: God Enriches
Chizkiah  (Hebrew)
God Enriches
Chizkiya  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chizkiah: God Enriches
Chizkiyahu  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chizkiah: God Enriches
Christopher  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Christopher Urswick, a Priest. 'The Taming of the Shrew' Christopher Sly, a Tinker
Clarence  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' George Bevis. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' George, Son of Richard Plantagenet and Afterwards Duke of Clarence. 'King Richard Iii', George, Duke of Clarence, Brother to Edward Iv
Clarence  (English)
From the Surname and Place Name Clare, Meaning Bright or Clear. Famous Bearers: George, Duke of Clarence, Brother of King Edward Iv and King Richard Iii, Who is Traditionally Believed to Have Drowned
302 names found for "Rich"   (page 1 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Taanach | Lorin | Shesh | Tetty | Damon | Zakee | Elymas | Lochlain | Taahira | Jeshishai | Jacoba | Seth | Bethanie | Patrick | Chaba |