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Names That Mean King

1309 names found for "King"   (page 1 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean King? We couldn't find the exact name King, but listed below are some first names meaning King or names similar to the word King.

Similar Names

Kong | Kunz | Kianga | Kanga |

Related Names

Abbey  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abigail: Father Rejoiced, or Father's Joy. Gives Joy. The Intelligent, Beautiful Abigail Was Old Testament King David's Third Wife, Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form
Abbie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abigail: Father Rejoiced, or Father's Joy. Gives Joy. The Intelligent, Beautiful Abigail Was Old Testament King David's Third Wife, Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form
Abby  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abigail: Father Rejoiced, or Father's Joy. Gives Joy. The Intelligent, Beautiful Abigail Was Old Testament King David's Third Wife, Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form
Abdal Malik  (Arabic)
Servant of the King
Abdel Malik  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Malik: Servant of the King
Abergavenny  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Lord Abergavenny
Abhiraja  (Hindu)
Great King
Abigail  (Hebrew)
Father Rejoiced, or Father's Joy. Gives Joy. The Intelligent, Beautiful Abigail Was Old Testament King David's Third Wife, Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form.' in the Play the Scor
Abimelech  (Biblical)
Father of the King
Abimelech  (Hebrew)
Father is King
Absalom  (Hebrew)
Father of Peace. in the Bible Absalom Son of King David Was Renowned for Handsome Appearance and Ability to Win Loyalty and Allegiance
Absolon  (French)
The Father is Peace, or Father of Peace. Form of Hebrew Absolom Who Was Son of Old Testament King David.
Acestes  (Greek)
A Trojan King from Greek Mythology
Achimelech  (Hebrew)
The King is My Brother
Adah  (Hebrew)
Beautiful. Ornament. The Old Testament Wives of Lamech and Esau Were Named Adah. Used Occasionally in English-speaking Countries
Adair  (English)
Variant of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. from the Old English Name Eadgar, a Compound of 'Ead' Meaning Rich or Happy, and 'Gar' Meaning Spear. Famous Bearer: King Edgar of England; American Author Ed
Addo  (African)
King of the Road
Adela  (German)
Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble. Famous Bearer: Adela Was the Name of One of British King William I's Daughters
Adelaide  (French)
Nobility. French Form of the Old German Adalheidis, a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide, King William Iv's Consor
Adheesha  (Hindu)
Admetus  (Greek)
A King of Pherae
Adrammelech  (Biblical)
The Cloak, Glory, Grandeur or Power of the King
Aedd  (Welsh)
A King of Ireland
Aegyptus  (Greek)
King of Egypt; Father of the Danaides
Aelle  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of Several Kings
Aethelbald  (Anglo Saxon)
A King of Mercia
Aethelbert  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelflaed  (Anglo Saxon)
Sister of King Edward
Aethelfrith  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelhere  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelred  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelstan  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aethelthryth  (Anglo Saxon)
Wife of King Ecgfrith
Aethelwulf  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Ahimelech  (Biblical)
My Brother is a King; My King's Brother
Ahimelech  (Hebrew)
Variant of Achimelech: the King is My Brother
Ahish  (Hindu)
King of Serpents
Ahuzam  (Biblical)
Their Taking or Possessing Vision
Ailesh  (Hindu)
King of All
Ailill  (Celtic)
Mythical King of Connaught
Aimiliana  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Aimilionia  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Akbar  (Hindu)
Akbar Was a Muslim King
Akilesh  (Hindu)
King of All
Alain  (Arthurian Legend)
From Alain Le Gros One of the Fisher Kings
Alammelech  (Biblical)
God is King
Alandair  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender of Men. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named. Eight Popes and Three Russian Emperors Have Been Named Alexander
Alaric  (German)
Noble Ruler, Noble Ruler. Old German. King Alaric I Conquered Rome
Albany  (Shakespearean)
'Tragedy of King Lear' Duke of Albany
Albert  (Teutonic)
Nobly Bright,Thoughtful,Tolerant,Conservative,Hard Working,
1309 names found for "King"   (page 1 of 27) 

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Additional Names

Evangelyn | Timmy | Ajit | Vaddon | Mushirah | Raahat | Neka | Isidoro | Fletcher | Birley | Helen | Gibson | Andy | Ramla | Osweald |