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Names That Mean King

1309 names found for "King"   (page 4 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean King? We couldn't find the exact name King, but listed below are some first names meaning King or names similar to the word King.

Similar Names

Kong | Kunz | Kianga | Kanga |

Related Names

Arthur  (English)
From the Roman Clan Name Artorius, Meaning Noble, Courageous. Famous Bearer: Legendary Sixth Century King Arthur of Britain and His Round Table of Knights
Arthur  (Shakespearean)
'King John' Arthur, Duke of Britaine
Arthur  (Arthurian Legend)
Noble; Courageous. Legendary Sixth Century King Arthur of Britain and His Round Table of Knights
Arthuretta  (English)
Feminine Form of Arthur: from the Roman Clan Name Artorius, Meaning Noble, Courageous. Famous Bearer: Legendary Sixth Century King Arthur of Britain and His Round Table of Knights
Arthurina  (English)
Feminine Form of Arthur: from the Roman Clan Name Artorius, Meaning Noble, Courageous. Famous Bearer: Legendary Sixth Century King Arthur of Britain and His Round Table of Knights
Artie  (English)
Diminutive of Arthur: from the Roman Clan Name Artorius, Meaning Noble, Courageous. Famous Bearer: Legendary Sixth Century King Arthur of Britain and His Round Table of Knights
Arty  (English)
Diminutive of Arthur: from the Roman Clan Name Artorius, Meaning Noble, Courageous. Famous Bearer: Legendary Sixth Century King Arthur of Britain and His Round Table of Knights
Asa  (Hebrew)
Physician. Asa Was the Name of an Old Testament King of Judah, and After Disuse, the Name Was Revived by Puritans. Famous Bearer: Historian Asa Briggs.Healer
Ashwapathi  (Hindu)
A King of Madara Kingdom
Astrid  (Scandinavian)
Godly Strength. Derived from Germanic Compounds Meaning Divine Strength, or Divine Beauty. Astrid Has Been Used by Norway's Royal Families for Hundreds of Years. Famous Bearers: King Olaf I's Mother;
Astyanax  (Greek)
King of the City. Son of Hector Killed at Troy
Atheistan  (English)
From the Old English Aethelstan Meaning Noble Stone. Atheistan Was an Anglo-saxon King. Sir Walter Scott Used the Name Atheistan in His Novel Ivanhoe
Athelstan  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Atli  (Norse)
King of the Huns
Attalus  (Latin)
Name of a King
Augeas  (Latin)
King of Elis
Augusta  (Latin)
Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George Iii's Mother Was Named
Auheron  (French)
A Diminutive of the Old French Auberi. Auberon Was the King of the Fairies in Medieval Romance
Auheron  (German)
Derived from Two Old German Words Meaning Noble and Bear-like. Auberon Was the King of the Fairies in Medieval Romance
Aulani  (Hawaiian)
King's Messenger
Aulay  (Norse)
Variant of Olaf: Relic; Ancestral Heritage. St. Olaf is the Patron Saint of Norway, and There Were Many Kings in Scandinavia Named Olaf
Aumerle  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' Duke of Aumerle, Son of the Duke of York
Avagail  (Hebrew)
My Father Rejoices. Biblical; the Name of King David's Third Wife Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form
Avaldamon  (Norse)
Name of a King
Avanindra  (Indian)
king of the earth
Avanindra  (Indian)
king of the earth
Avimelech  (Hebrew)
Father is King
Azarlah  (Hebrew)
Whom God Helps. The Name Azalrah Was Given to Several Old Testament Characters, Including a King of Judah
Baabar  (Muslim)
Variant of Babar: Lion. King of Jungle
Baaseiah  (Biblical)
In Making, in Pressing Together
Baaseiah  (Biblical)
In Making, in Pressing Together
Babar  (Muslim)
Lion. King of Jungle
Bagot  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' a Favorite of King Richard
Bahram  (Persian)
Name of a Persian King
Baithazar  (Greek)
Protect the King. The Greek Form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, Referring to the Babylonian God Bel. One of the Magi Mentioned in Matthew's Story of the Na-tivity Was Balthasar
Bakula  (Hindu)
Nagakesar Tree- a Spice Used in Indian Cooking
Balamy  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bali  (Hindu)
Variant of Balin: Soldier. Also, in Hindu Mythology, the Monkey King Who Can Weaken Enemies With a Wish
Balin  (Hindu)
Soldier. Also, in Hindu Mythology, the Monkey King Who Can Weaken Enemies With a Wish
Balindra  (Hindu)
King Bali
Ballari  (Hindu)
Walking Quietly
Balraj  (Hindu)
Strong King
Balta  (Greek)
Diminutive of Balthasar: One of the Three Kings of Christmas
Balthasar  (Greek)
One of the 3 Kings
Balthasar  (Greek)
Protect the King. The Greek Form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, Referring to the Babylonian God Bel. One of the Magi Mentioned in Matthew's Story of the Na-tivity Was Balthasar
Banquo  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Thane of Lochaber, a General in the King Duncan's Army. After His Murder, His Ghost Appears to Macbeth
Bardolph  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part and ' an Irregular Humorist. 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Lord Bardolph, Retainer of Northumberland. 'King Henry V' Soldier in the King's Army. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' a Follower o
Barry  (Irish)
Fair Haired. Also from the Irish Word for Spear. Used Regurarly Throughout the English-speaking World Since the Early Th Century
Bas  (Greek)
Diminutive of Basil: Royal. Kingly. St Basil the Great Was Bishop of Caesarea in the Latter Half of the Th Century. This Name Was Introduced into Western Europe by the Crusaders. Derived from the Same
Basic  (Greek)
Diminutive of Basil: Royal. Kingly. St Basil the Great Was Bishop of Caesarea in the Latter Half of the Th Century. This Name Was Introduced into Western Europe by the Crusaders. Derived from the Same
1309 names found for "King"   (page 4 of 27) 

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Additional Names

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