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Names That Mean Heaven

129 names found for "Heaven"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Heaven? We couldn't find the exact name Heaven, but listed below are some first names meaning Heaven or names similar to the word Heaven.

Similar Names

Haben | Haven | Havyn | Hoven |

Related Names

Amellia  (English)
The Name of Wisdom and Knowledge (A Name from Heaven to Be a Gift to Humans)
Amruta  (Hindu)
Heavenly Nectar
Angelica  (Scottish)
Like an Angel; Heavenly. Borrowed from English
Angelica  (English)
Like an Angel; Heavenly. Pet Name: Angle. (An-jeh-lee-kah)
Anjelita  (Spanish)
Heavenly Messenger
Aolani  (Hawaiian)
Cloud from Heaven
Aolani  (Hawaiian)
Heavenly Clouds
Araceli  (Spanish)
Altar of Heaven
Aracelia  (Spanish)
Altar of Heaven
Aracely  (Spanish)
Altar of Heaven
Aracely  (Latin)
Heavenly Altar
Arcelia  (Spanish)
Treasure. Altar of Heaven
Arcilla  (Spanish)
Altar of Heaven
Aricela  (Spanish)
Altar of Heaven
Avari  (American)
Of the Heavens,From the Sky
Borak  (Arabic)
The Lightning. Al Borak Was the Legenday Magical Horse That Bore Muhammad from Earth to the Seventh Heaven
Celesse  (French)
Celesse  (Latin)
Of the Heavens; Heavenly
Celesta  (Spanish)
Celesta  (Latin)
Of the Heavens; Heavenly
Celeste  (Latin)
Of the Heavens
Celeste  (Latin)
From the Heavens
Celeste  (Latin)
Heavenly (Celestine, Celina)
Celeste  (Latin)
Of the Heavens; Heavenly
Celeste  (French)
This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning Heavenly. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celeste  (French)
This French Name is Based on the Latin Caelestis Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestia  (French)
Celestia  (Latin)
Of the Heavens; Heavenly
Celestiel  (French)
Celestiel  (Latin)
Of the Heavens; Heavenly
Celestin  (Czech)
Celestin  (Latin)
Celestina  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestina  (Spanish)
Celestina  (Latin)
Of the Heavens; Heavenly
Celestina  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin Caelestis Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestine  (Latin)
Celestine  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning 'Heavenly'. Five Popes Have Been Named 'Celestine', Two of Whom Were Canonized
Celestine  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestine  (Latin)
Of the Heavens. Heavenly
Celestun  (Latin)
Celestyn  (French)
Celestyna  (Latin)
Of the Heavens; Heavenly
Celestyna  (French)
Celia  (Latin)
From the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British Actress Dame Celia
Celina  (French)
Variant of Celine: French Form of the Latin 'Caelum' Meaning Sky or Heaven. Also a Variant of Celia or Selena
Celine  (French)
French Form of the Latin 'Caelum' Meaning Sky or Heaven. Also a Variant of Celia or Selena
Celine  (Latin)
Hammer or of the Heavens
Celine  (French)
One Who Comes from Heaven
Celistine  (Latin)
129 names found for "Heaven"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Digne | Josu | Prabodhan | Ethiopia | Armstrong | Cocidius | Shandley | Muhammed | Nikhita | Gabbai | Novea | Jack | Kansbar | Moire | Eustachius |