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Names That Mean Elin

381 names found for "Elin"   (page 1 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Elin? We couldn't find the exact name Elin, but listed below are some first names meaning Elin or names similar to the word Elin.

Similar Names

Elam | Elan | Eliam | Elim | Elina | Ellen | Elman | Elmo | Elne | Elon |

Related Names

Aceline  (French)
Ada  (German)
Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Ada  (English)
Wealthy. Also from the Old German Eda or Etta, Meaning Happy. Introduced from Germany. Also a Diminutive of Adela, Adelalde, or Adeline
Addie  (German)
Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Addy  (German)
Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Adela  (Hispanic)
Of Noble Lineage (Adelina, Adelinda, Adilia, Adelis, Adelita)
Adelina  (Latin)
Latinized Form of Adeline from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Adelina  (Spanish)
Noble or Kind or Winged
Adelina  (Teutonic)
Adelina  (Hispanic)
Noble, Nobility
Adelina  (French)
Of the Nobility. Noble. Variant of Adela
Adelina  (German)
Variant of Adeline: Sweet; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning 'Noble
Adelinda  (German)
Sweet or Noble
Adeline  (Teutonic)
Noble Serpent, Passionate, Sensitive, Unforgiving
Adeline  (Teutonic)
Adeline  (French)
Noble, Kind
Adeline  (Latin)
Of the Nobility. Noble
Adeline  (French)
Variant of Adela
Adeline  (German)
Variant of Adela: Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Adene  (German)
Variant of Aline: Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Adine  (German)
Variant of Aline: Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Aethelind  (English)
An Old English Name from an Old German Name Meaning Noble Snake
Aileen  (Irish)
Variant of Eileen: Light. from the Name Eibhlin, Derived from Evelyn or Evelina. Light
Ailna  (German)
Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning 'Noble
Ailne  (German)
Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning 'Noble
Alena  (Russian)
Russian Form of Helen: Light. Diminutive of Adelina: of the Nobility. Noble
Alina  (German)
Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Alina  (Latin)
Of the Nobility. Variant of Adelina
Aline  (German)
Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Aline  (Latin)
Of the Nobility. Variant of Adelina
Allina  (Latin)
Of the Nobility. Variant of Adelina
Alyna  (Latin)
Of the Nobility. Variant of Adelina
Amelinda  (Latin)
Hard Working
Anawrete  (Latin)
Unfeeling Woman Who Caused Her Lover to Hang Himself
Ancelin  (French)
Ancelin  (French)
Ancelina  (French)
Angela  (Hispanic)
Messenger from the God (Angeles, Ange, Angele, Angelina, Angelica, Angelita, Angelines)
Angelica  (Greek)
Angelic, Other Forms are Angela, Angelina, Happy, Modest, Inspiring
Angelina  (Italian)
An Italian Diminutive of the Greek Angela Meaning Angel or Messenger
Angelina  (French)
Angelina  (Spanish)
Angelina  (Latin)
Angel; Messenger
Angelina  (English)
Little Angel
Angelina  (Italian)
Little Angel
Angelina  (Greek)
Variant of Angela: Feminine Form of Angel, Meaning Messenger or Angel. in , Italian Saint Angela Merici, Founded the Ursuline Order of Nuns at Brescia
Angeline  (Latin)
Angel; Messenger
Angeline  (French)
A French Form of the Greek Angela Meaning Angel or Messengerangel
Angeline  (Italian)
An Italian Diminutive of the Greek Angela Meaning Angel or Messenger
Angeline  (Greek)
Variant of Angela: Feminine Form of Angel, Meaning Messenger or Angel. in , Italian Saint Angela Merici, Founded the Ursuline Order of Nuns at Brescia
381 names found for "Elin"   (page 1 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Bibine | Avanindra | Cari | Sammy | Ruth | Bidkar | Andrei | Talisa | Nicolai | Bickford | Llamrei | Leo | Tros | Munir | Nabirye |