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Meaning of the Name Alena

The first name Alena is of Celtic, Greek, Slavic, Russian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Celtic: Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Greek: Light
Slavic: Light
Russian: Light; Form of Helen
Russian: Russian Form of Helen: Light. Diminutive of Adelina: of the Nobility. Noble

Similar Names

Ailen | Alan | Alano | Alayna | Aleem | Alem | Alemana | Alen | Alewina | Aleyn |

Related Names

Analena  (Spanish)
Grace. Favor. Variant of Anna
Dale  (English)
Small Valley (Dalena, Dael, Daly, Daelyn)
Dalena  (English)
Small Valley. Abbreviation of Madeline
Galena  (English)
Festive Party
Galena  (Greek)
Galena  (Spanish)
Small Intelligent One
Jalena  (Slavic)
Kalena  (Hawaiian)
The Hawaiian Equivalent of Karen
Kalena  (Czechoslovakian)
A Flower Name and Place Name
Kalena  (Polish)
A Flower Name
Kalina  (Greek)
A Rosebud; (In Polish: Flower) (Kalena, Kaleen, Kalene)
Kristalena  (English)
Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Kristalena  (Greek)
Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Madalena  (Spanish)
Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Maddalena  (German)
Madeline  (Hebrew)
Woman from Magdala (Maddy, Madelon, Madelyn, Madelene, Magda, Magdalena)
Magda  (Slavic)
Abbreviation of Magdalena.Woman from Magdala. Reference to Biblical Mary Magdalene
Magdalena  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalena  (Spanish)
Magdalena  (Spanish)
Woman from Magdala
Magdalena  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalena  (Hebrew)
From the Tower
Magdalena  (Spanish)
Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Malena  (Swedish)
From the Tower
Malena  (Scandinavian)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Olena  (Russian)
Light (Lenusya,Lila,Alena)
Salena  (Latin)
From a Salty Place
Salena  (Latin)
Salty (Salina, Selena)
Salena  (English)
Variant of Sally (From Sarah: Princess)
Salena  (Greek)
Variant of Selina: Moon Goddess
Valena  (Latin)
Yalena  (Greek)
Yalena  (Russian)

Additional Names

Luciano | Fadl | Ovadiah | Nancsi | Angelee | Kurt | Conn | Ravikiran | Fausta | Gezer | Gigi | Arie | Guivret | Faraasat | Roberta |