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Meaning of the Name Roderick

The first name Roderick is of German, Teutonic, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: Famed Ruler
Teutonic: Famous King, Self-reliant, Plucky, Tenacious
English: Famous Ruler
German: Famous Ruler
English: Famous Ruler; from the Middle Latin Rodericus, Which is Derived from the Old High German Hrodrich, a Compound Name Composed from the Elements Hruod (Fame) and Rik (Ruler, King). Pet Name: Roddy. (Rah-
Teutonic: Noted

Similar Names

Roddric | Roddrick | Roderic | Roderigo | Roderik | Rodric | Rodrick | Rodrigo | Rodrik | Ruodrik |

Related Names

Ap Roderic  (k Welsh)
Son of Roderick
Brod  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Broderick: Brother
Broddy  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Broderick: Brother
Broderic  (Scottish)
Variant of Broderick: Brother
Broderick  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Broderick  (Scandinavian)
Broderick  (Scottish)
Broderick  (English)
From the Broad Ridge. Derived from a Surname Meaning 'son of Roderick'; Now Occasionally Used As a First Name. Famous Bearer: American Actor Broderick Crawford
Broderick  (Welsh)
Son of Roderick
Broderick  (Irish)
Brodric  (Scottish)
Variant of Broderick: Brother
Brodrick  (Scottish)
Variant of Broderick: Brother
Rhoda  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Roderick (Famous King). Variations: Rodina. Short Forms: Dina. (Ro-dah)
Rod  (English)
Diminutive of Rodney: Island of Reeds. Also a Variant of Roderick: Famous Ruler
Rod  (German)
Diminutive of Roderick: Famed Ruler
Rodd  (English)
Variant of Roderick 'Famous Ruler.'
Rodd  (German)
Variant of Roderick: Famous Ruler
Roddric  (English)
Variant of Roderick 'Famous Ruler.'
Roddric  (German)
Variant of Roderick: Famous Ruler
Roddrick  (English)
Variant of Roderick 'Famous Ruler.'
Roddrick  (German)
Variant of Roderick: Famous Ruler
Roddy  (German)
Diminutive of Roderick: Famous Ruler
Roddy  (English)
Diminutive of Rodney: Island of Reeds. Also a Variant of Roderick: Famous Ruler
Roddy  (Scottish)
Famous King; a Pet Form of Roderick, Roddy is Also Used As an Independent Given Name. (Rahd-dee)
Rodrigo  (German)
Variant of Roderick: Famed Ruler
Ruaraidh  (Scottish)
Red; Derived from the Gaelic Rua (Red, Ruddy). Anglicizations: Roderick and Rory. Variations: Ruaidhn, Ruairi, Ruairidh. (Rur-ree)

Additional Names

Delmar | Fabianna | Neola | Sigrid | Garrick | Buthaynah | Kimimela | Brand | Adelina | Friend | Aldwyn | Eibhlhin | Janalyn | Wethrleah | Jonnie |