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Meaning of the Name Severn

The first name Severn is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Strict. Restrained. Surname

Similar Names

Severin | Severino | Severne | Sevrin |

Related Names

Sabrina  (Latin)
From Cyprus, or from the River Severn. in British Legend, Sabrina Was the Illegitimate Daughter of the King of Britain and Was Drowned in the River by Her Father's Ex-wife
Sabrina  (Latin)
From the Border (In English: Goddess of the River Severn) (Bri, Brie)
Severne  (English)
Strict. Restrained. Surname

Additional Names

Alexandra | Shimei | Lindsey | Beaumont | Nadzia | Frederico | Darcie | Dalwin | Akio | Jodi | Shae | Klarysa | Murphy | Nerine | Gurmeet |