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Meaning of the Name Freya

The first name Freya is of Scandinavian, Scottish, Norse, Anglo Saxon origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scandinavian: Goddess of Love, Fertility and Beauty
Scottish: Lady, Noblewoman; Derived from the Germanic Frouwa (Lady, Mistress). (Fray-ah)
Scandinavian: Lady. Derived from the Name of Freyja, the Norse Goddess of Love and Fertility and Mythological Wife of Odin
Norse: Noblewoman
Anglo Saxon: Queen of the Gods

Similar Names

Frey | Freyr | Frye | Freira |

Related Names

Brisingamen  (Norse)
Freya's Necklace
Njord  (Norse)
Father of Freya

Additional Names

Ann | Casidhe | Cleantha | Harris | Pazi | Joy | Baba | Sargent | Daria | Aelfdane | Anani | Abez | Siny | Waydell | Mahmoud |