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Meaning of the Name Gerald

56 names found for "Gerald"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Gerald is of German, Teutonic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: He Who Rules by the Sword (Gerry, Gerard, Gerick, Jerald)
Teutonic: Spear Power, Firm, Unemotional, Sometimes Merciless, a Worshipper of Truth
German: Spear Warrior

Similar Names

Garald | Gearald | Geraldo | Gerold | Gerrald | Gerwalt |

Related Names

Darold  (English)
Blend of Daryl and Harold or Gerald
Darrold  (English)
Blend of Daryl and Harold or Gerald
Derald  (English)
Blend of Daryl and Harold or Gerald
Derrold  (English)
Blend of Daryl and Harold or Gerald
Ella  (English)
Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen: Beautiful Fairy. A Diminutive of Feminine Names Begining With El or Ending With Ella. Famous Bearer: American Jazz Singer Ella Fitzgerald; American Poet Ella Wheeler
Fitz Gerald  (Teutonic)
Son of Gerald
Fitz Gerald  (English)
Son of Gerald
Fitzgerald  (English)
Mighty Spearholder's Son
Fitzgerald  (Teutonic)
Son of Gerald
Fitzgerald  (French)
Son of Gerald. Surname
Fitzgerald  (Irish)
Garald  (Russian)
Spear Brave (Garold,Gerald)
Gared  (English)
Variant of Garret from Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Garett  (English)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Garrad  (English)
Variant of Garret from Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Garred  (English)
Variant of Garret from Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Garret  (Irish)
Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald
Garret  (English)
Variant of Gerald, Meaning 'Rules by the Spear' or 'Hard or Bold Spear.' Also an English Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation
Garrett  (English)
Variant of Gerald, Meaning 'Rules by the Spear' or 'Hard or Bold Spear.' Also an English Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation
Garritt  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear
Garry  (Irish)
Diminutive of Garret: Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald
Gary  (Irish)
Diminutive of Garret: Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald
Gearald  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Gerald
Geraldene  (French)
One Who Rules by the Spear
Geraldine  (Teutonic)
Spear Power, Spoilt, Selfish, Pretty
Geraldine  (French)
One Who Rules by the Spear
Geraldo  (Hispanic)
Form of Gera Spear Warrior
Geraldo  (Spanish)
From the Name Gerald
Geri  (French)
From the Name Geraldine
Gerianne  (All Nationalities)
Combination of Geraldine and Anne
Gerold  (English)
Form of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Gerold  (German)
Form of Gerald: Rules by the Spear
Gerrald  (German)
Form of Gerald: Rules by the Spear
Gerrald  (English)
Form of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Gerred  (English)
Variant of Garret from Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Gerrell  (German)
Form of Gerald: Rules by the Spear
Gerrell  (English)
Form of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Gerrit  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear
Gerritt  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear
Gerry  (English)
Diminutive of Geraldine: a Feminine Form of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Famous Bearer: the Earl of Surrey Wrote a Series of Love Poems Titled, 'The Fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Gerry  (German)
From the Name Gerald
Gerry  (English)
Diminutive of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Often Used As an Independent Name
Jarrod  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant and Surname Form of Garrett from Gerald
Jerald  (English)
Variant and Surname Form of Gerald: Rules by the Spear
Jeraldine  (English)
Variant of Geraldine
Jeraldo  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jeri  (French)
From the Name Geraldine
56 names found for "Gerald"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Celestia | Sylvester | Folke | Mayor | Ceinwen | Heathley | Sonja | Bestandan | Greguska | Augustus | Sanita | Ilias | Juliette | France | Christoffer |