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Names That Mean Faith

199 names found for "Faith"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Faith? We couldn't find the exact name Faith, but listed below are some first names meaning Faith or names similar to the word Faith.

Similar Names

Faidh | Fateh | Fath | Fathi | Faida | Faithe | Fate | Fayth | Faythe |

Related Names

Aladdin  (Arabic)
Ali  (Arabic)
Lion of God; Greatest. A Variant of Allah - the Supreme Being in the Muslim Faith
Alli  (Arabic)
Greatest. A Variant of Allah - the Supreme Being in the Muslim Faith
Allie  (Arabic)
Greatest. A Variant of Allah - the Supreme Being in the Muslim Faith
Aluf  (Islamic)
Friendly, Faithful, Devoted
Ameen  (Muslim)
Faithful. Trustworthy
Ameena  (Muslim)
Variant of Amina: Trustworthy. Reliable. Faithful. Secure. Protected
Amin  (Muslim)
Variant of Ameen: Faithful. Trustworthy
Amina  (Muslim)
Trustworthy. Reliable. Faithful. Secure. Protected
Aminah  (Muslim)
Variant of Amina: Trustworthy. Reliable. Faithful. Secure. Protected
Amineh  (Arabic)
Faithful; Trustworthy
Amineh  (Muslim)
Variant of Amina: Trustworthy. Reliable. Faithful. Secure. Protected
Aminia  (African)
Aminon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Amnon: Loyal; Faithful
Ammon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Amon: Secret; Faithful; Roaring Stream
Amnon  (Biblical)
Faithful and True, Tutor
Amnon  (Hebrew)
Loyal; Faithful
Amon  (Biblical)
Faithful, True
Amon  (Hebrew)
Secret; Faithful; Roaring Stream
Armani  (African)
Badrudeen  (Muslim)
Full Moon of the Faith
Badrudin  (Muslim)
Variant of Badrudeen: Full Moon of the Faith
Bahaudeen  (Muslim)
The Magnificent of the Faith
Bahaudin  (Muslim)
Variant of Bahaudeen: the Magnificent of the Faith
Bahiyudeen  (Muslim)
The Magnificent of the Faith
Bahiyudin  (Muslim)
Variant of Bahiyudeen: the Magnificent of the Faith
Brynne  (Scottish)
One Who Has Faith; a Form of Brian (?)
Caleb  (Hebrew)
Caleb  (Hebrew)
Faithful, Bold
Charity  (French)
From the Old French 'Charite' Meaning Christian Love, Based on the Latin 'Cantos' Charity is Held Up in the New Testament (I Corinthians ) As the Greatest of the Three Christian Virtues, With Faith an
Christian  (English)
Of the Christian Faith
Christine  (Latin)
The One With the Christian Faith (Chris, Chrissy, Christy, Cris, Christine, Crissy, Kirsteen, Kris, Kristel, Kristeen, Kristine, Kristy, Tina)
Clifford  (Latin)
Origin Obscure, Reserved, Unimaginative, Kind, Faithful
Creda  (English)
Cressida  (Greek)
Origin Origin. Cresside Was the Faithless Mistress of Troilus in Shakespeare's 'Troilus and Cressida'
Deen  (Muslim)
Religion. Faith. Way of Life
Dillion  (Celtic)
Dillon  (Celtic)
Faithful and True
Dillon  (Gaelic)
Dillon  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Din  (Muslim)
Variant of Deen: Religion. Faith. Way of Life
Din  (Islamic)
Religion, Faith, Belief
Diolmhain  (Gaelic)
Diya al din  (Arabic)
Diyaaldin  (Islamic)
Compund Name Composed of the Elements of Diya (Brightness), Al (The), and Din (Religion, Faith)
Diyaaudeen  (Muslim)
Brightness of the Faith
Diyaaudin  (Muslim)
Variant of Diyaaudeen: Brightness of the Faith
E'temaad  (Muslim)
Variant of E'Temad: Faith. Trust
E'temad  (Muslim)
Faith. Trust
Eman  (Arabic)
199 names found for "Faith"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Kadesh | Safiya | Katarina | Saxton | Dinah | Balbas | Brina | Shalisha | Carlos | Navaneet | Lawler | Meena | Alona | Vilhelmina | Luduvico |