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Names That Mean Brave

408 names found for "Brave"   (page 9 of 9) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Looking for names that mean Brave? We couldn't find the exact name Brave, but listed below are some first names meaning Brave or names similar to the word Brave.

Related Names

Vondra  (Czechoslovakian)
Womanly; Brave. Variant of Andrea
Walerian  (Polish)
Brave or Strong
Waleron  (Polish)
Brave or Strong
WiIlard  (Teutonic)
Willard  (German)
Willard  (English)
Resolute or Brave
Willhard  (English)
Resolute or Brave
Wyat  ()
Brave and Strong (Uncertain Origin)

Additional Names

Salina | Hughie | Anandita | GIyn | Kerleeanna | Dent | Lysimache | Burl | Darcy | Badrudeen | Huda | Lew | Fionnla | Raj | Harry |