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Names That Mean Brave

408 names found for "Brave"   (page 4 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Brave? We couldn't find the exact name Brave, but listed below are some first names meaning Brave or names similar to the word Brave.

Related Names

Cale  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Caley  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Brave Warrior
Casee  (Irish)
Brave; Vigilant
Casey  (Celtic)
Casey  (Gaelic)
Casey  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Casey  (Irish)
Brave; Vigilant
Casey  (Gaelic)
Casey  (English)
Cathasach  (Gaelic)
Cathasach  (Irish)
Cathasach  (Gaelic)
Chitto  (Native American)
Creek Name Meaning Brave
Chrislaure  (French)
Coen  (German)
Conn  (German)
Diminutive of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Connacht  (Irish)
Brave or Wise
Connie  (German)
Diminutive of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Connolly  (Irish)
Brave or Wise
Conny  (German)
Diminutive of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Conrad  (Slavic)
Brave; Wise
Conrad  (German)
Honest Advisor Brave; Wise
Conrade  (German)
Variant of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Conrado  (German)
Variant of Conrad: Brave Adviser; Honest Advisor
Dalair  (Muslim)
Brave. Valiant
Devlen  (Irish)
Variant of Devlin: Brave
Devlin  (Irish)
Devlin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Brave, Fierce
Devlyn  (Irish)
Variant of Devlin: Brave; Misfortune
Dhairyavanth  (Hindu)
Brave Person
Dhirendra  (Indian)
lord of the brave
Donnally  (Celtic)
Donnelly  (Celtic)
Donnelly  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Brave, Dark Man
Dreng  (Norse)
Farmhand; Brave
Dung  (Vietnamese)
Dust  (English)
Diminutive of Dustin: Dusty Place; Brave Soldier
Dustan  (English)
Variant of Dustin: Dusty Place; Brave Soldier
Dustin  (German)
Brave Fighter (In Old English - Dusty Place)
Duston  (English)
Variant of Dustin: Dusty Place; Brave Soldier
Dusty  (English)
Diminutive of Dustin: Dusty Place; Brave Soldier
Dustyn  (English)
Variant of Dustin: Dusty Place; Brave Soldier
Eairrdsidh  (Gaelic)
Genuinely Bold, Genuinely Brave; a Gaelic Form of Archie, Which is a Pet Form of Archibald (Genuinely Bold, Genuinely Brave). See Archibald. Variations: Eairrsidh
Eairrdsidh  (Scottish)
Truly Brave
Eairrsidh  (Scottish)
Variant of Eairrdsidh: Truly Brave
Ealhhard  (English)
Eallard  (English)
Edel  (German)
Noble; Brave
Eferhard  (English)
Ellard  (German)
Brave; Noble
408 names found for "Brave"   (page 4 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Jaeleah | Cyrene | Tajshak | Ranita | Raedan | Arash | Anna Perenna | Alekona | Lany | Han | Wiatt | Hanah | Dalis | Elined | Hebrew |