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Meaning of the Name Vernon

The first name Vernon is of English, French, Latin, Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Alder Tree Grove. Aristocratic Surname Brought to England at the Time of the Norman Conquest
French: Alder Tree Grove. Aristocratic Surname Brought to England at the Time of the Norman Conquest
Latin: Flourishing
Shakespearean: 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Sir Richard Vernon. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Member of the White Rose or York Faction
Latin: Spring-like (Vern, Verne)
Latin: Youthful

Similar Names

Vern | Vernay | Verne | Verney | Verna | Verona |

Related Names

Plantagenet  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Sir Richard Vernon. Falstaff. 'Henry Vi, Part and ', 'King Henry V', Richard Plantagenet, Afterwards Duke of York, Cou
Ratchiff  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Iv' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. Sir Richard Vernon. 'King Henry V' & 'Henry Vi, , , & ', Richard Plantagenet. His Son, Richard. 'Richard Ii'. 'Richard Iii' Richard, Duke of York, Edward
Richard  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Iv' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. Sir Richard Vernon. 'King Henry V' & 'Henry Vi, , , & ', Richard Plantagenet. His Son, Richard. 'Richard Ii'. 'Richard Iii' Richard, Duke of York, Edward
Vern  (English)
Surname Related to Vernon 'Alder Tree Grove.' Also Used As Abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern
Vern  (French)
Surname Related to Vernon 'Alder Tree Grove.' Also Used As Abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern
Verne  (English)
Surname Related to Vernon 'Alder Tree Grove.' Also Used As Abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern
Verne  (French)
Surname Related to Vernon 'Alder Tree Grove.' Also Used As Abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern
York  (Shakespearean)
Henry V and Vi: Richard Plantagenet, Later Duke of York. His Son, Richard. 'Henry Iv, ' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. Sir Richard Vernon. 'Richard Ii' the King. Richard, Duke of York, Edward Iv'

Additional Names

Lala | Soterios | Sonja | Tiryns | Peirene | Ananiah | Pauletta | Pio | Ivar | Clarita | Aparna | Timun | Derron | Mozah | Merwin |