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Meaning of the Name Stefanie

The first name Stefanie is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Crowned One
Greek: Feminine Form of Stephen: Crown; Victorious

Similar Names

Steafan | Stefan | Stefano | Steffan | Stefn | Stefon | Stepan | Stevan | Stefana | Stefania |

Related Names

Stephanie  (Greek)
Crown, Headstrong, Impatient, Sentimental. (Stefanie, Stevana)

Additional Names

Analiese | Tallulah | Erasmo | Coraline | Rosie | Lyn | Eustachy | Alvah | Itsaso | Amaia | Okes | Risha | Argolis | Atuanya | Dervla |