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Meaning of the Name Orlin

The first name Orlin is of German, Spanish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: Renowned in the Land. Form of Roland
Spanish: Renowned in the Land. Form of Roland

Similar Names

Orlan | Orlena | Orlene | Orlina |

Related Names

Darrel  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'. Also a Variant of Darrell
Darrell  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darrill  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darrol  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darryl  (English)
Darling, from the Old English 'Deorling'. Also a Variant of Darrell
Darryll  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Daryl  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Daryll  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Orlina  (French)

Additional Names

Gabriel | Damek | Caesar | Celistine | Vernon | Tishbite | Zebadiah | Tavey | Rexford | Kaz | Gest | Christofferson | Tunleah | Ethelinde | Vivek |