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Meaning of the Name Moses

The first name Moses is of Biblical, Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: 'Taken Out, Drawn Forth'
Greek: Drawn Out of the Water
Hebrew: Drawn-out, Dutiful, Selfless, Audacious, Passionate by Nature. (Moe, Moshe, Moss, Motes Moishe)
Hebrew: Saved from the Water
Egyptian: Son. in the Bible, Moses Led the Israelites Out of Egypt in Search of the Promised Land. in a Different Biblical Story, When Moses Came Down from the Mount, He Brought With Him the Ten Commandments Gi

Similar Names

Menes | Moises | Momus | Mosegi | Moshe | Mosheh | Mosi | Moss | Mozes | Mayes |

Related Names

Aarao  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aaron: Lofty; Exalted; High Mountain. Biblically, Aaron Was Moses' Older Brother (And Keeper by God's Command). He Was First High Priest of the Israelites, Remembered for the Miraculous Blo
Aaron  (Hebrew)
A Mountain; a Tower of Strength; in the Old Testament, the Elder Brother of Moses Who Helped Lead the Hebrews Out of Egypt
Aaron  (Hebrew)
Lofty; Exalted; High Mountain. Biblically, Aaron Was Moses' Older Brother (And Keeper by God's Command). He Was First High Priest of the Israelites, Remembered for the Miraculous Blossoming of His Sta
Aharon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aaron: Lofty; Exalted; High Mountain. Biblically, Aaron Was Moses' Older Brother (And Keeper by God's Command). He Was First High Priest of the Israelites, Remembered for the Miraculous Blo
Arek  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aaron: Lofty; Exalted; High Mountain. Biblically, Aaron Was Moses' Older Brother (And Keeper by God's Command). He Was First High Priest of the Israelites, Remembered for the Miraculous Blo
Asia  (Arabic)
Lively; the Rising Sun. The Name of the Continent Used As a Given Name. According to the Koran the Pharaoh's Wife Asia Raised the Infant Moses. A Variant of Aisha: Life
Asianne  (Arabic)
The Rising Sun. The Name of the Continent Used As a Given Name. According to the Koran the Pharaoh's Wife Asia Raised the Infant Moses. A Variant of Aisha: (Life)
Azia  (Arabic)
The Rising Sun. The Name of the Continent Used As a Given Name. According to the Koran the Pharaoh's Wife Asia Raised the Infant Moses. A Variant of Aisha: (Life)
Cale  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Caleb  (Hebrew)
Meaning Dog, or Bold. Famous Bearer: Caleb Was One of Twelve Islaelite Leaders Sent by Moses to Explore the Promised Land
Gershom  (Hebrew)
Exiled, Alien, or Bell. Famous Bearer: Gershom Was an Old Testament Son of Moses
Jethro  (Hebrew)
Pre-eminence. Excellence. Abundance. Overflowing; Abundance. in the Bible the Midian Priest Jethro Was Moses' Father-in-law
Joshua  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Generous. Jehovah Saves. in the Old Testament, Joshua Was Chosen to Succeed Moses As Leader of the Israelites for Their Journey to the Promised Land
Kalb  (Hebrew)
Variant of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Kaleb  (Hebrew)
Variant of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Miriam  (Hebrew)
Rebellious. in the Old Testament, Miriam Was the Sister of Moses and Aaron
Moesen  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Moses 'From the Water'
Moises  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Moses 'From the Water'
Moke  (Hawaiian)
Form of Moses
Moosa  (Muslim)
Variant of Musa: the Biblical Moses is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Moshe  (Hebrew)
Form of Moses 'saved from the Water.'
Moshe  (Egyptian)
Variant of Moses: Son
Moshe  (Biblical)
Pulled from the Water (English: Moses)
Moshe  (Hebrew)
From the Name Moses
Moss  (Egyptian)
Variant of Moses: Son
Moss  (English)
Medieval Form of Moses 'saved from the Water.'
Mousa  (Islamic)
Drawn Out of the Water (Arabic Form of Moses)
Mozes  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Moses 'From the Water'
Musa  (Arabic)
Arabic Form of Moses
Musa  (Muslim)
The Biblical Moses is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Myriam  (Hebrew)
Ancient Version of Mary. in the Bible Miriam Sister of Moses Saved His Life When She Hid Infant Moses in a Basket Among the Rushes at the River's Edge for Pharaoh's Daughter to Find
Pentateuch  (Biblical)
The Five Books of Moses
Pentateuch  (Biblical)
The Five Books of Moses

Additional Names

Nitsa | Chiquita | Wileen | Zelotes | Adeline | Huz | Danko | Alaida | Luz | Pamelia | Damon | Audfis | Jarvis | Krysta | Gertmda |