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Meaning of the Name Isaac

The first name Isaac is of Hebrew, Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearers: British Scientist Sir Isaac Newton (-) and the Great Violinist Itzhak Perlman
Hebrew: He Will Laugh
Biblical: Laughter
Hebrew: Laughter, Laughter-loving, Proud, Generous, Frequently Self-opinionated.(Ike, Izak, Yitzhak)

Similar Names

Isaiah | Isaias | Isak | Isas | Iscah | Isha | Ishaaq | Ishaq | Isiah | Issa |

Related Names

Ideeq  (Muslim)
Variant of Idiq: the Biblical Isaac is the English Language Equivalent
Idiq  (Muslim)
The Biblical Isaac is the English Language Equivalent
Ike  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearer: Nickname of American President Dwight D. Eisenhower (-)
Ike  (Hebrew)
From the Name Isaac
Ike  (English)
Variant of Hebrew Isaac 'Laughter.'
Ishaaq  (Muslim)
Variant of Ishaq: Isaac. A Prophet's Name
Ishaq  (Muslim)
Isaac. A Prophet's Name
Itzhak  (Israeli)
Laughter. Variant of Hebrew Isaac
Izaak  (Hebrew)
Variant of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. Child of Laughter
Izsak  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Isaac 'Laughter'
Laban  (Hebrew)
White. in the Bible, Laban Was the Brother of Isaac's Wife Rebekah and the Father of Jacob's Wives Leali and Rachel. This Name Was Popular With Puritans in the Th Century, But is Rarely Used Today
Rebekah  (Hebrew)
Captivating; Knotted Cord. Wife of Isaac in the Old Testament
Sahak  (Armenian)
Armenian Form of Isaac
Sarah  (Hebrew)
Princess. in the Bible, Sarah Was the Wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac. Her Name Was Originally Sarai (Quarrelsome), But God Commanded That Her Name Be Changed to Sarah Before the Birth of Her Son
Zack  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Zachariah: the Lord Has Remembered, and of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearer: Nickname of American Preside
Zak  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Zachariah: the Lord Has Remembered, and of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearer: Nickname of American Preside

Additional Names

Tormey | Dorran | Tayler | Minhaj | Ozzy | Adrian | Achaius | Del | Winifred | Wahkoowah | Nessa | Brenna | Malena | Ivar | Maxime |