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Meaning of the Name Mandy

The first name Mandy is of English, Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
Latin: Diminutive of Amanda: Lovable, Worthy of Love. Some Scholars Believe Amanda Was Invented by Th Century British Dramatist Colley Cibber
Latin: Worthy of Love
English: Worthy of Love; Familiar Form of Amanda (Manda, Melinda)

Similar Names

Ma'd | Madu | Maed | Mahdi | Mahdy | Matty | Mauty | Mindy | Monty | Mundy |

Related Names

Ganger  (Norse)
A Founder of Normandy
Lacey  (American)
From Normandy, France
Manda  (Hispanic)
Harmony (Armanda, Mandi, Mandie, Mandy)
Nigellus  (Latin)
Champion. Latinized from the Scandinavian Njal: (Niall) in Normandy
Norman  (German)
Man from the North. Vikings That Settled in France Were Called Normans (Hence the Normandy Region of France)
Normandy  (French)
Provence in France
Sinclair  (French)
Surname Originated from the Place-name St. Clair in Normandy. (Seen-klare)
Sinclair  (Scottish)
Surname Originated from the Place-name St. Clair in Normandy. (Seen-klare)

Additional Names

Partha | Arnie | Khaldun | Ayotollah | Anmcha | Zaid | Joan | Chester | Sylvana | Omran | Uthman | Adiriano | Addison | Zakiyah | Sterlyn |