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Meaning of the Name Janne

The first name Janne is of Finnish, Hebrew, Czechoslovakian, Polish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Finnish: Feminine Form of Jukka
Hebrew: Gift from God
Czechoslovakian: Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Polish: Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus

Similar Names

Jahnu | Jaime | Jamie | Jan | Janah | Janene | Jani | Janie | Janna | Janny |

Related Names

Janel  (Gaelic)
Darling (Jannel, Janneil)
Jannes  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Jannes  (Biblical)
Who Speaks or Answers, Afflicted, Poor
Jannes  (Biblical)
Who Speaks or Answers, Afflicted, Poor
Jannet  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Janneth  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Janneth  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Marjan  (Polish)
Variation of Mary (Marjanne, Marjon, Mariiane)

Additional Names

Rebekah | Abhinetri | Onslow | Armilda | Perrin | Nadege | Trinity | Polynices | Toyah | Stephanie | Geraldo | Tazara | Brent | Tasneem | Isa |