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Meaning of the Name Hardy

The first name Hardy is of Teutonic, German origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Teutonic: Bold or Hardy. Strong
German: Courageous
German: Courageous, Strong
German: Daring

Similar Names

Hardie | Harod | Hart | Harte | Harti | Hord |

Related Names

Angel  (Greek)
Messenger or Angel. A Popular Masculine Name in Sicily After the Saint, Angel. Angel Clare is the Hero of Thomas Hardy's Novel 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles'
Angel  (Greek)
Messenger or Angel. A Popular Masculine Name in Sicily After the Saint, Angel. Angel Clare is the Hero of Thomas Hardy's Novel 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles'
Bathsheba  (Hebrew)
Oath; Voluptuous. Famous Bearer: Bathsheha Everdene, Heroine of Thomas Hardy's Novel 'Far from the Madding Crowd'; Old Testament King David's Wife Bathsheba
Evarado  (Spanish)
Hardy; Brave
Everard  (German)
Hardy; Brave. from the Old German Name Eburhard, Meaning 'Boar Hard.'
Everardo  (Spanish)
Hardy; Brave
Everett  (English)
Hardy; Brave. Variant of Everard
Evert  (German)
Hardy; Brave
Everton  (English)
Boar Town. Hardy; Brave. Variant of Everard
Ewart  (German)
Hardy; Brave
Hardyn  (English)
From the Hare's Valley
Len  (German)
Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy Lion or Lion-bold. St Leonard is the Patron Saint of Prisoners. Famous Bearers: American Composer/Conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance Artist/Scientist Leonard
Lenny  (German)
Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy Lion or Lion-bold. St Leonard is the Patron Saint of Prisoners. Famous Bearers: American Composer/Conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance Artist/Scientist Leonard
Leonard  (German)
Hardy Lion or Lion-bold. St Leonard is the Patron Saint of Prisoners. Famous Bearers: American Composer/Conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance Artist/Scientist Leonardo Da Vinci (In Italian
Leonie  (German)
Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy Lion or Lion-bold. St Leonard is the Patron Saint of Prisoners. Famous Bearers: American Composer/Conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance Artist/Scientist Leonard
Maynard  (German)
Compound of the Old German Words for 'Hardy' and 'strength'. Firm
Nardo  (German)
Strong; Hardy. Abbreviation of Bernardo and Leonardo
Nardo  (Latin)
Strong; Hardy. Abbreviation of Bernardo and Leonardo
Stockard  (English)
Hardy Tree
Stockhard  (English)
Hardy Tree
Stockhart  (English)
Hardy Tree
Stokkard  (English)
Hardy Tree

Additional Names

Torean | Mamillius | Brently | Pax | Merrill | Judas | Healleah | Vic | Ranell | Donte | Ambar | Japhia | Nikolai | Teagan | Shemariah |