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Meaning of the Name Guy

The first name Guy is of English, German, French, Latin, Celtic, Hebrew, Teutonic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: A Name Derived from the Hebrew 'Goy', Meaning Gentile. Also a Colloquial Term Used to Refer to a Man
German: From the Old German Name Wido, Meaning Wood. Famous Bearer: the British Guy Fawkes
French: Guide
Latin: Life
Latin: Living Spirit
Celtic: Sense, Scientific, Worldly, Sceptical
Celtic: Sensible
Hebrew: Valley
Teutonic: Warrior
German: Woods

Similar Names

Gus | Gay |

Additional Names

Josiah | Hild | Samara | Nun | Paolo | Gotzone | Oilbhries | Ar | Blayr | Tierra | Lida | Andy | Kadir | Dmitri | Oliver |