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Meaning of the Name Giolla

The first name Giolla is of Italian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Italian: Servant

Similar Names

Gill | Gille | Gilli | Galla | Gella | Gila | Gilala | Gilia | Gisela | Gisella |

Related Names

Giolla Chriost  (Irish)
Serves Christ
Giollabrighde  (Irish)
Serves Saint Bridget
Giollabuidhe  (Irish)
Giolladhe  (Irish)
Giollanaebhin  (Gaelic)
Worships the Saints
Giollaruaidh  (Gaelic)
Serves the Red Haired One

Additional Names

Joaquine | Maritza | Frasier | Margaret | Ajit | Deeanna | Tekli | Ricarda | Bayerd | Glora | Amelia | Rishi | Bard | Kevin | Heavynne |