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Meaning of the Name Gill

55 names found for "Gill"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Gill is of French, Latin, English origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: French Form of Julius
Latin: Young
English: A Diminutive of Gillian, Meaning Young. Often Used As an Independent Name

Similar Names

Gaal | Gael | Gail | Gaile | Gal | Galal | Gale | Gali | Gall | Geol |

Related Names

Dervorgilla  (Irish)
Servant of Dervor
Devorgilla  (Scottish)
True Oath, True Testimony; an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Diorbhail. (Deh-vor-gil-lah)
Dillian  (American)
Combination of Dillon and Gillian
Gilamu  (Basque)
Resolute Soldier (Gillen)
Gilford  (English)
From Gill's Ford
Gillanders  (Scottish)
Servant of St. Andrew; Derived from the Gaelic Gille Ainndreis and Gille Anndrais (Servant of St. Andrew). (Gil-an- Derz)
Gille  (Gaelic)
Eathain - Gaelic Form of Gillian
Gilleabart  (Scottish)
Gilleabart  (Gaelic)
Famous Pledge; a Gaelic Form of Gilbert. Pet Name: Gibidh. (Gil-bert)
Gillean  (Gaelic)
A Scottish Gaelic Name Meaning St. John's Servant
Gilleasbuig  (German)
Gilleasbuig  (Scottish)
Gilleasbuig  (Gaelic)
Sacred and Bold
Gillecriosd  (Scottish)
Christ Bearer
Gillen  (Teutonic)
Resolute Fighter
Gilleonan  (Scottish)
Servant of St. Adomnan; Derived from the Gaelic Gille Adhamhnain (Servant of St. Adomnan). (G1l-0-nan)
Gillermo  (Spanish)
Variant of William 'Resolute Protector.'
Gilles  (French)
Young Goat
Gilles  (Greek)
Shield Bearer
Gillespie  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Servant of the Bishop
Gillespie  (Scottish)
Servent of the Bisop; Derived from the Gaelic Gille Easbaig (Servant of the Bishop). Anglicization: Archibald. (Gil-ess-pee)
Gilley  (Irish)
Serves Christ
Gilli  (Hebrew)
Gillian  (Gaelic)
A Scottish Gaelic Name Meaning St. John's Servant
Gillian  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Gillian  (English)
Child of the Gods. A Feminine Form of Julian, Meaning Jove's Child
Gillian  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. Variant of Juliana
Gillianne  (Latin)
Jove's Child (Gillian, Gil/Ie, Jillian)
Gillien  (Latin)
Gillies  (Scottish)
Servent of Jesus; Derived from the Gaelic Gille Losa (Servant of Jesus). (Gil-eez)
Gillivray  (Scottish)
Servant of Judgment
Gillot  (English)
A Variant of Jill, Which is Believed to Have Been the Origin of the Term 'To Jilt', Used When a Person Unexpectedly Rejects a Lover or Fianct
Gilroy  (Scottish)
Servant of the Red-haired Lad; Used As a Surname, Thought to Be Derived from the Gaelic Gill Ruaidh (Servant of the Red-haired Lad). (Gil-roy)
Jilian  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jill  (English)
Diminutive of Jillian : Child of the Gods. A Modern Variant of Gillian, Which is a Feminine Form of Julian, Meaning Jove's Child
Jill  (Latin)
Young Child (Jillian, Gillian)
Jillanne  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jillayne  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jillene  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jillesa  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jillian  (English)
Child of the Gods. A Modern Variant of Gillian, Which is a Feminine Form of Julian, Meaning Jove's Child
Jilliane  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jilliann  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jilliann  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jillianna  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jillianne  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jilly  (English)
Abbreviation of Jillian or Gillian. Jove's Child
55 names found for "Gill"   (page 1 of 2) 

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