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Names That Mean French

414 names found for "French"   (page 1 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean French? We couldn't find the exact name French, but listed below are some first names meaning French or names similar to the word French.

Similar Names

Ferenc | Franc | France | Franco | Franca | Franci |

Related Names

Ada  (French)
Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French Form of the Old German Adalheidis, a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide,
Addie  (French)
Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French Form of the Old German Adalheidis, a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide,
Addy  (French)
Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French Form of the Old German Adalheidis, a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide,
Adelaide  (French)
Nobility. French Form of the Old German Adalheidis, a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide, King William Iv's Consor
Ailis  (English)
Variant of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Aimee  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved
Alexandre  (French)
French Form of Alexander
Alice  (English)
Of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide. Used in Britian; Alice Became Very Popular in When Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland W
Alice  (French)
Variant of Adelaide: Nobility. French Form of the Old German 'Adalheidis', a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide, K
Alida  (English)
Variant of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Alison  (English)
Variant of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Alix  (English)
Variant of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Allie  (English)
Diminutive of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Allison  (English)
Variant of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Ally  (English)
Diminutive of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Aloisia  (French)
Feminine Form of Aloysius: a French Provincial Variant of Louis. Aloysius is the Name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and Common Among British Roman Catholics
Aloysia  (French)
Feminine Form of Aloysius: a French Provincial Variant of Louis. Aloysius is the Name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and Common Among British Roman Catholics
Amata  (Latin)
Latinized Form of the French/English Amy Meaning Dearly Beloved. Treasured
Amata  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved
Amias  (French)
From the Old French Name Derived from Latin 'Amatus' Meaning Loved. Used by British Writer Charles Kingsley for the Hero of His Novel 'Westward Ho!'
Amice  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved. Also a French Form of the Latin Amico, Meaning Friend
Amicia  (Latin)
Latinized Form of the French Amice, Which is from the Latin Amico Meaning Friend
Amicia  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved. Also a French Form of the Latin Amico, Meaning Friend
Amy  (French)
Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved. in Common Use After Publication of American Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women'
Amyas  (French)
From the Old French Name Derived from Latin 'Amatus' Meaning Loved. Used by British Writer Charles Kingsley for the Hero of His Novel 'Westward Ho!'
Angeline  (French)
A French Form of the Greek Angela Meaning Angel or Messengerangel
Anne  (French)
French Spelling of English Ann, a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain. Famous Bearers: St Anne; King Henry Viii's Wives Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves; Queen Elizabeth's Daughter Princess Anne
Antoine  (French)
A French Form of the English Anthony Which is Derived from a Roman Clan Name Meaning Highly Praiseworthy
Antoinette  (French)
Beyond Praise. French Feminine Form of Anthony Generally Associated With French Queen Marie Antoinette, Wife of King Louis Xvi, Guillotined During the French Revolution
Arletta  (Latin)
Latinized Form of the French Arlette
Arnaud  (French)
French Form of Arnold
Aubrey  (French)
Blond Ruler, Elf Ruler. from the Old French Auberi, a Form of the Old German Alberich Meaning Elf Ruler
Auheron  (French)
A Diminutive of the Old French Auberi. Auberon Was the King of the Fairies in Medieval Romance
Aurore  (French)
French Form of the Latin Aurora, Roman Goddess of the Dawn
Babette  (French)
A French Diminutive of Elizabeth, a Hewbrew Name Meaning 'My God is Plentiful', Now Frequently Used As an Independent Name
Bayard  (French)
Auburn-haired. Bayard Was a Sixteenth-century French Knight and National Hero Renowned for Valor and Purity of Heart
Beau  (French)
Handsome. Famous Namesakes: British Dandy Beau Brummell, Aka George Bryan Brummell; French Foreign Legion Fictional Hero Beau Geste
Bel  (French)
Fair. Lovely One. Sometimes Used As an Independent Name Associated With the French Word Belle, Meaning Beautiful
Bell  (French)
Fair. Lovely One. Sometimes Used As an Independent Name Associated With the French Word Belle, Meaning Beautiful
Bella  (French)
Sometimes Used As an Independent Name Associated With the French Word Belle, Meaninn Beautiful
Belle  (French)
Fair. Lovely One. Sometimes Used As an Independent Name Associated With the French Word Belle, Meaning Beautiful
Benet  (French)
Variant of Benedict, Meaning Blessed, from the Old French. Became a Common British Surname After Being Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest
Bennet  (French)
Variant of Benedict, Meaning Blessed, from the Old French. Became a Common British Surname After Being Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest
Bennett  (French)
Variant of Benedict, Meaning Blessed, from the Old French. Became a Common British Surname After Being Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest
Bernadette  (French)
A Feminine Form of Bernard. St Bernadette Was a French Peasant Girl Whose Th Century Visions of Virgin Mary Prompted the Establishment of the Roman Catholic Shrine at Lourdes. Feminine of Bernard. St.
Bert  (French)
Diminutive of Bertrand: Intelligent; Glorious Raven. French Form of the German Bertram, Meaning Bright-raven. Philosopher and Mathematician Bertrand Russell. Some Scholars Believe the Second Syllable
Bertie  (French)
Diminutive of Bertrand: Intelligent; Glorious Raven. French Form of the German Bertram, Meaning Bright-raven. Philosopher and Mathematician Bertrand Russell. Some Scholars Believe the Second Syllable
Bertrand  (French)
Intelligent; Glorious Raven. French Form of the German Bertram, Meaning Bright-raven. Philosopher and Mathematician Bertrand Russell. Some Scholars Believe the Second Syllable of Bertrand Derived from
Bianca  (Italian)
White; Shining. A Variant of the French Blanche
Bianka  (Italian)
White; Shining. A Variant of the French Blanche
414 names found for "French"   (page 1 of 9) 

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