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Meaning of the Name Ebba

The first name Ebba is of English, Danish, German, Swedish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Flowing Tide
Danish: Strength
German: Strength
Danish: Strong
Swedish: Strong

Similar Names

Ebbe | Ebo | Eeva | Efa | Eubh | Eubha | Eva | Evia |

Related Names

Ahebban  (Anglo Saxon)
Wages War
Ebbaneza  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'

Additional Names

Ronn | Gwilym | Phila | Dena | Saidah | Hyatt | Bradon | Kajal | Zohar | Joosef | Brione | Lillie | Clare | Hecuba | Melana |