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Meaning of the Name Astra

The first name Astra is of Norse, Latin, Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Norse: Divine Strength
Latin: From Astralis Meaning of the Stars, Derived from the Greek Astron Meaning Star
Greek: From the Stars
Greek: Star

Similar Names

Astro | Aster | Asteria | Astraea | Astrea |

Related Names

Astraea  (Greek)
Astraea  (Latin)
Surname of Artemis
Astraeus  (Greek)
Starry One
Chester  (English)
From an English Surname and Place Name, But Ultimately Based on the Latin 'Castra' Meaning Camp. Famous People: American President Chester A. Arthur
Diggory  (English)
Derived from the French 'Egare' Meaning Astray
Kunik  (Hindu)
A Minister of Dhritharastra
Traviata  (Italian)

Additional Names

Gotzone | Wilburt | Alpa | Una | Cooke | Garnett | Pascual | Nasir | Paolo | Shesha | Veleda | Flavia | Yoko | Mabella | Gerrit |