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Meaning of the Name Danish

The first name Danish is of Muslim origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Muslim: Knowledge. Wisdom

Similar Names

Daanish | Danesh | Denis | Denisc | Dinesh | Danica | Danice | Danika | Danise | Denisa |

Related Names

Aelfdane  (English)
Danish Elf
Ailsa  (Danish)
Danish Form of Elizabeth
Anders  (Danish)
Danish Form of Andrew
Anker  (Danish)
Danish Form of Andrew
Arend  (Danish)
Danish Form of Arnold
Bardo  (Danish)
Danish Form of Bartholomew
Bartram  (Danish)
Glorious Raven. The Raven Was Consecrated to the Norse War God Odin and Was the Emblem of the Danish Royal Standard
Bergitte  (Danish)
Danish Form of Bridget
Britta  (Danish)
Danish Form of Bridget
Clady  (Danish)
Danish Form of Claudia
Daaneesh  (Muslim)
Variant of Danish: Knowledge. Wisdom
Daanish  (Muslim)
Variant of Danish: Knowledge. Wisdom
Dana  (English)
Danish, from Denmark
Denby  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Danish Settlement
Denby  (Scandinavian)
From the Danish Settlement
Denisc  (Anglo Saxon)
Dorothea  (Danish)
Danish Form of Dorothy
Else  (Danish)
Danish Form of Elizabeth
Eva  (Danish)
Danish Form of Eve
Frodi  (Scandinavian)
Name of an Ancient Danish King
Halden  (Scandinavian)
Henning  (Danish)
Danish Form of Henry
Henrik  (Danish)
Danish Form of Henry
Jakob  (Danish)
Danish Form of Jacob
Jen  (Danish)
Danish Form of John
Jens  (Danish)
Danish Form of John
Joen  (Danish)
Danish Form of John
Josef  (Danish)
Danish Form of Joseph
Klaus  (Danish)
Danish Form of Nicholas
Lisbet  (Danish)
Danish Form of Elizabeth
Lise  (Danish)
Danish Form of Elizabeth
Margarethe  (Danish)
Danish Form of Margaret
Meta  (Danish)
Danish Form of Margaret
Mikkel  (Danish)
Danish Form of Michael
Pedar  (Danish)
Danish Form of Peter
Rigmor  (Danish)
Name of Danish Queen
Soren  (Danish)
Danish Form of Thor
Vilhelm  (Danish)
Danish Form of William

Additional Names

Gwyn | Dristi | Zona | Carly | Nephthoah | Tor | Angwusnasomtaqa | Damara | Kavita | Adrian | Neha | Lexandra | Daegan | Delaney | Selas |