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Meaning of the Name Blair

The first name Blair is of Gaelic, Scottish, English, Celtic, Irish, Celtic/Gaelic origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Gaelic: Child of the Fields
Scottish: Dweller on the Plain or Level Field; Transferred Use of the Scottish Surname Derived from Place-names Containing the Gaelic Element Blar (Plain, Level Field)
English: Flatland
Celtic: From Tbe Plain
Irish: From the Fields
Gaelic: Marshy Plain
Scottish: Peat Moss
Scottish: Field of Battle
Celtic: From the Plain Lands
Celtic/Gaelic: Field or Plain

Similar Names

Blar | Blayr | Blaire | Blayre |

Related Names

Blaire  (English)
Feminine Form of Blair: Flatland
Blaire  (Scottish)
Field of Battle
Blayr  (English)
Variant of Blair: Flatland
Blayre  (English)
Feminine Form of Blair: Flatland

Additional Names

Sheena | Maranatha | Nigel | Eulalia | Dakini | Delaine | Nighean | Leyla | Trisha | Oddfrid | Jacinto | Oscar | Brick | Pravachan | Fuwaad |