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Meaning of the Name Berne

The first name Berne is of German, English, French origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: Bear
English: Variant of Bernard Strong As a Bear
French: Bold As a Bear

Similar Names

Barney | Barnie | Barny | Bearn | Beorn | Bern | Bernie | Bernon | Berny | Berowne |

Related Names

Berneen  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Bernard: Courage of a Bear
Berneen  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Bernelle  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Bernetta  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Bernette  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard

Additional Names

Colton | Hildegard | Tumu | Sterlyn | Primrose | Ripley | Addison | Nazarite | Raymundo | Vanna | Beeri | Byme | Dildah | Torunn | Adon |