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Meaning of the Name Barke

The first name Barke is of African origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

African: Blessings
African: Blessings

Similar Names

Barak | Barq | Barqi | Berk | Berke | Birk | Birke | Birkee | Birkey | Birkie |

Related Names

Barclay  (Scottish)
The Scottish Spelling of the English Surname Barkeley, Meaning Birch-wood or the Birch Tree Meadow
Barker  (English)

Additional Names

Oriana | Balbine | Satyavrat | Ramy | Abbot | Constantino | Mia | May | Zada | Kasi | Shaila | Cranstun | Kilian | Hasan | Rennie |