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Meaning of the Name Baird

The first name Baird is of Scottish, Celtic, Irish, Celtic/Gaelic, English, Gaelic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: A Poet, an Ancient Celtic Poet and Singer of Epic Poems). Variations: Bard
Celtic: Bard
Irish: Bard
Scottish: From Baird
Celtic/Gaelic: Minstrel, Poet
English: Minstrel; a Singer-poet
Gaelic: Poet

Similar Names

Baiardo | Bard | Barde | Bardi | Bardo | Barid | Bart | Bayard | Bayerd | Bayrd |

Related Names

Bard  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Barde  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Barr  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Bayerd  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Bayrd  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Mac a'bhaird  (Gaelic)
Son of Baird

Additional Names

Adsila | Hettie | Haestingas | Shahin | Dario | Selwyn | Electa | Flynn | Valeska | Pityocamptes | Whitcomb | Pasdammin | Hadrian | Rangsey | Walfrid |