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Meaning of the Name Ashia

The first name Ashia is of African, Arabic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

African: Hope. Mythology: the Wife of a Hindu Demigod. (Somali)
Arabic: Lively

Similar Names

Achaia | Achiya | Agha | Ahiga | Asa | Asaiah | Ash | Asha | Ashiq | Ashkii |

Related Names

Anastashia  (Greek)
Natashia  (Russian)
Variant of Natalie: Birthday
Tashia  (English)
Abbreviation of Natasha - the Russian Form of the English Natalie: Born at Christmas

Additional Names

Arcanania | Yukio | Rio | Keilah | Ibri | Tormey | Isabella | Kordell | Thandiwe | Flannery | Caddawyc | Nekane | Odile | Peisistratus | Jimmi |