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Names That Mean Powerful

218 names found for "Powerful"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Powerful? We couldn't find the exact name Powerful, but listed below are some first names meaning Powerful or names similar to the word Powerful.

Related Names

Mimi  (Teutonic)
Powerful Opponent
Mogens  (Danish)
Mutazz  (Islamic)
Mylnric  (English)
From the Powerful Mill
Nachelle  ()
Powerful Woman
Ned  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful
Neddie  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful
Neddy  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful
Nerice  (American)
Powerful Woman
Nero  (Latin)
Oadira  (Muslim)
Powerful. Potent
Ojaswin  (Hindu)
Oorjit  (Indian)
Osweald  (English)
Divinely Powerful
Oswell  (English)
Divinely Powerful
Pedahzur  (Biblical)
'strong or Powerful Savior, Stone of Redemption'
Qadeer  (Muslim)
Variant of Qadir: Powerful. Capable
Qadir  (Muslim)
Powerful. Capable
Rabbah  (Biblical)
'Great, Powerful, Contentious'
Raghnall  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Name Derived from the Scandinavian Rognvaldr (Powerful Judgment), a Compound Name Composed from the Old Norse Elements Regin (Advice, Decision, Judgment) and Valdr (Ruler, Power, Might). The Na
Raghnall  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Wise and Powerful
Ragnvard  (Swedish)
Powerful Fighter
Raynah  ()
The Contributor of This Name Says: it Appears to Be Either Arabic 'Likes Too Much Wine'(!) or Hebrew 'Pure, Powerful'. It's My Name, I'D Like to Know More. My Dad is Convinced He Got it from Star Trek
Reggie  (German)
Powerful Ruler
Reginald  (Teutonic)
Powerful Judgement, Another Form is Ronald, Discreet, Discerning, Imaginative
Reginald  (German)
Powerful Ruler
Rhona  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Powerful, Mighty
Rhonda  (Greek)
Powerful River
Ric  (Italian)
Powerful; Strong Ruler. Variant of Richard
Ricard  (French)
Powerful; Strong Ruler
Ricardo  (German)
Powerful Ruler
Ricardo  (Portuguese)
Powerful; Strong Ruler
Riccardo  (German)
Powerful Ruler
Riccardo  (Italian)
Powerful; Strong Ruler
Ricco  (Italian)
Powerful; Strong Ruler. Variant of Richard
Rice  (Anglo Saxon)
Rich  (German)
Powerful Ruler
Rich  (English)
Powerful, Rich Ruler
Richard  (German)
Powerful Ruler (Dick, Dicky, Ric, Rico, Rich, Richie, Rick, Ricky, Ritchie, Rocco Riccardo, Ricardo, Riik)
Richard  (Teutonic)
Powerful Ruler
Richard  (English)
Powerful, Rich Ruler
Richard  (French)
Powerful; Strong Ruler. A Teutonic Name from the European Middle Ages. England's King Richard Coeur De Lion Was a Crusading Knight
Richard  (German)
Powerful; Strong Ruler. A Teutonic Name from the European Middle Ages. England's King Richard Coeur De Lion Was a Crusading Knight
Richardo  (French)
Powerful; Strong Ruler
Richman  (English)
Rick  (English)
Abbreviation of Richard 'Powerful; Strong Ruler.' Also a Diminutive of Derek, Meaning Gifted Ruler, People Ruler, a Variant of the Old German Theodoric
Rick  (English)
Powerful, Rich
Rickard  (German)
Powerful Ruler
Rickard  (English)
Variant of Richard 'Powerful; Strong Ruler.'
Rickey  (English)
Abbreviation of Richard 'Powerful; Strong Ruler.'
218 names found for "Powerful"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Additional Names

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