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Names That Mean Gera

71 names found for "Gera"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Gera? We couldn't find the exact name Gera, but listed below are some first names meaning Gera or names similar to the word Gera.

Similar Names

Gajra | Gar | Gara | Garai | Gare | Garr | Gary | Gear | Geary | Geir |

Related Names

Gerrell  (German)
Form of Gerald: Rules by the Spear
Gerrit  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear
Gerritt  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear
Gerry  (English)
Diminutive of Geraldine: a Feminine Form of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Famous Bearer: the Earl of Surrey Wrote a Series of Love Poems Titled, 'The Fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Gerry  (German)
From the Name Gerald
Gerry  (English)
Diminutive of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Often Used As an Independent Name
Jarrod  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant and Surname Form of Garrett from Gerald
Jerald  (English)
Variant and Surname Form of Gerald: Rules by the Spear
Jeraldine  (English)
Variant of Geraldine
Jeraldo  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerard  (French)
Variant of Gerard 'Rules by the Spear.' English Surname
Jerard  (English)
Variant of Gerard 'Rules by the Spear.' English Surname
Jerardo  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerard 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jeri  (French)
From the Name Geraldine
Jerold  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerold  (English)
From the Name Gerald
Jerrald  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerrell  (English)
From Gerald and Darrell
Jerrell  (Contemporary)
Combination of Geraid and Darryl (Gerrell, Jarell, Jarrel, Jeryl, Jeniel)
Jerrold  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerry  (English)
Diminutive of Geraldine: a Feminine Form of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Famous Bearer: the Earl of Surrey Wrote a Series of Love Poems Titled, 'The Fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald

Additional Names

Arngeir | Autonoe | Dace | Tiah | Archana | Lesham | Emera | Toro | Bebe | Burtt | Pawl | Margarita | Ivey | Maree | Naavah |