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Unisex Baby Names, Meanings

1142 names found for "Unisex"   (page 4 of 23) 

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Cassidy  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Castel  (Spanish)
To the Castle
Cato  (Latin)
Good Judgement
Cavan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Hollow Place
Celeste  (Latin)
Of the Heavens
Ceres  (Greek)
Goddess of the Corn
Chandler  (English)
Candle Maker
Chandra  (Hindu)
Channer  (English)
Channing  (English)
Channon  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Clergyman - Canon
Chao  (Chinese)
Great One
Charis  (Greek)
Charlie  (German)
Nickname for Charles,Charlotte
Chay  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Fairy Dwelling
Chelsey  (English)
Port of Ships
Chen  (Chinese)
Cheyne  (Celtic/Gaelic)
God is Gracious
Chibeka  (African)
Bright One, Shining As the Sun, Bright As the Sun, Shiny. Origin: Bemba, Zambia
Chick  (English)
From the Name Charles
Chris  (Greek)
Short for Christopher or Christine
Christian  (English)
Of the Christian Faith
Christmas  (English)
Mass for Christ
Ciqala  (Native American)
Little One
Clove  (German)
A Nail, Spice
Coby  (Hebrew)
Colby  (English)
Dark Haired
Conary  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Wise Man
Cong  (Chinese)
Intelligent, Clever
Connie  (English)
From the Name Constance
Corbin  (Latin)
A Raven
Corby  (English)
Dark As a Raven
Corey  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Coriander  (Greek)
Romance, Spice
Cory  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Coty  (French)
Small Slope
Courtney  (English)
From the Court
Coy  (English)
Coye  (English)
Cree  (Native American)
Tribe Name
Creola  (American)
Native to the Land, Creole
Crescent  (English)
To Grow
Cricket  (American)
Loud Insect of the Night
Cristy  (English)
From the Name Christopher
Cyd  (Greek)
A Public Hill
Dacey  (Latin)
Down Below
Dagan  (Hebrew)
Grain of Corn
Dakota  (Native American)
Native American Tribal Name
Dallas  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Dallin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Dale
1142 names found for "Unisex"   (page 4 of 23) 

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Additional Names

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