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Meaning of the Name Vika

The first name Vika is of Scottish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: From the Creek

Similar Names

Vic | Vick | Vicq | Vijay | Vikas | Visha | Vega | Vicki | Vicky | Vikki |

Related Names

Avikar  (Hindu)
Avikar  (Hebrew)
My Father is Priceless
Devika  (Sanskrit)
Little Goddess. from the Mythological Hindu 'Devi'
Devika  (Hindu)
Mother of Krishna
Evika  (Hebrew)
Jeevika  (Hindu)
Jeevika  (Indian)
Malavika  (Hindu)
Princess of Malawa
Malavika  (Indian)
princess of Malawa
Vikas  (Hindu)
Vikas  (Indian)
development, expanding
Vivika  (Indian)

Additional Names

Desirae | Shivabhaktha | Kahleil | Phelan | Branwyn | Linette | Marcario | Corin | Ziba | Scarus | Caralea | Adriana | Alvyn | Hortense | Libya |