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Meaning of the Name Shamus

The first name Shamus is of Celtic/Gaelic, Irish, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Celtic/Gaelic: From the Name James
Irish: Irish Variant of James: Supplanter
Irish: See James (Seamus)
English: Variant of James: Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus

Similar Names

Samos | Seamus | Shams | Shems | Shemus |

Related Names

Seamus  (Irish)
Variant of Shamus (Irish Variant of James: Supplanter)

Additional Names

MacAlister | Yanamarie | Josaphat | Alvin | Marjan | Ward | Anson | Rosita | Calvex | Huette | Foster | Shawna | Tangerine | Chitrani | Levyna |