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Meaning of the Name Sera

The first name Sera is of Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Heavenly, Winged Angel

Similar Names

Saer | Sar | Sarai | Segar | Seir | Shura | Sisera | Sur | Sakra | Sara |

Related Names

Asera  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Akela: Lucky
Asera  (Latin)
From Asia
Betserai  (African)
Zimbabwean Name Meaning 'Help'
Cosette  (French)
Little One (From Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables')
Cyrus  (Biblical)
As Miserable; As Heir
Moserah  (Biblical)
Erudition, Discipline
Moserah  (Biblical)
Erudition, Discipline
Serafim  (Hebrew)
An Angel Like Being of a Lower Order
Serafin  (Spanish)
Serafin  (Hebrew)
An Angel Like Being of a Lower Order
Serafina  (Italian)
From the Seraph
Serafina  (Latin)
Heavenly, Winged Angel
Serafina  (Spanish)
Serafina  (Hispanic)
Seraph, Angel
Serafine  (Hebrew)
Burning Fire
Serah  (Biblical)
Lady of Scent, Song, the Morning Star
Seraiah  (Biblical)
Prince of the Lord
Seraphim  (Biblical)
Burning, Fiery
Seraphim  (Hebrew)
An Angel Like Being of a Lower Order
Seraphim  (Biblical)
Burning, Fiery
Seraphina  (Hebrew)
Fiery-winged. The Name Seraphina Comes from 'seraphim', Who Were the Most Powerful Angels
Seraphine  (Hebrew)
Burning Fire
Serapis  (Egyptian)
Another Name for Apis
Sisera  (Biblical)
That Sees a Horse or a Swallow
Timnath-serah  (Biblical)
Image of the Sun, Numbering of the Rest
Timnath-serah  (Biblical)
Image of the Sun, Numbering of the Rest

Additional Names

Aphik | Hosah | Tsidhqiyah | Diana | Nilalochan | Deva | Epeius | Maqbool | Cominius | Peter | Cristie | Vanya | Destan | Bernie | Agni |