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Meaning of the Name Saxon

The first name Saxon is of English, Teutonic, German origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Sword
Teutonic: Swordsman, Knife. Saxons Were Among the Germanic Tribes Who Invaded and Settled Th Century England
German: Dagger; Short Sword. in the Th Century, the Germanic Saxons Frequently Invaded Britain
English: Germanic Tribe

Similar Names

Sagan | Sahan | Sahen | Saman | San | Sasson | Saxan | Senon | Sihon | Simon |

Related Names

Ashley  (English)
Ash Field Origin: Anglo-saxon
Atheistan  (English)
From the Old English Aethelstan Meaning Noble Stone. Atheistan Was an Anglo-saxon King. Sir Walter Scott Used the Name Atheistan in His Novel Ivanhoe
Dalton  (English)
Valley Estate. Origin: Anglo-saxon
Ethelred  (English)
Noble Counsel, from the Old English 'Aethel Raed' Famous Bearers: the Anglo-saxon Ethelred the Unready
Hereward  (English)
Derived from Old English 'Hereweard', a Compound of Army (Here) and Protection (Weard).From the Old English Name Hereweard. The Anglo-saxon Hero Hereward the Wake Led a Revolt Against William the Conq
Ivan  (Russian)
The Russian Form of John: Gracious Gift from God. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivan  (Slavic)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivanhoe  (Russian)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivanhoe  (Slavic)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivano  (Russian)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivano  (Slavic)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Randall  (English)
Strong Shield; Another Form of Randolph. Origin: Anglo Saxon
Saxona  (English)
A Saxon, One of the Sword People
Saxonia  (English)
A Saxon
Saxons  (English)
A Saxon
Thane  (Scottish)
Anglo-saxon and Scottish Feudal Lords' Title. Shakespeare's Macbeth Was Thane of Cawdor
Vivian  (English)
Full of Life, Vibrant. Origin: Anglo-saxon

Additional Names

Katelinn | Ramah | Sahir | Erling | Benedict | Soyala | Otrera | Kashvi | Blaine | Wann | Orynko | Nana | Hakim | Salisbury | Yarden |