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Names That Mean Nell

182 names found for "Nell"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Nell? We couldn't find the exact name Nell, but listed below are some first names meaning Nell or names similar to the word Nell.

Similar Names

Naal | Na'il | Nally | Neal | Neale | Neall | Nehal | Neiel | Neil | Neill |

Related Names

Agnella  (Greek)
Agnella  (Italian)
Annella  (Scottish)
Gracious; from Anne. (An-nel-lah)
Antonella  (Latin)
Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony
Antonello  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Arnelle  (English)
Modern Variant of Amold
Avenell  (French)
Variant of Avenall: Pasture of Oats
Avenelle  (French)
Lives Near the Oatfield
Bernelle  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Brunella  (French)
Brown Haired
Brunelle  (French)
Dark Haired
Burnel  (French)
Variant of Burnell: Little Brown Child
Burnell  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Strong As a Bear
Burnell  (Irish)
Bear; Brown
Burnell  (French)
Reddish Brown Haired
Burnell  (English)
Variant of Bernard 'strong As a Bear.'
Carnell  (English)
Defender of the Castle
Chanell  (French)
Canal; Channel. The Popular Perfume Chanel
Chanelle  (French)
Canal; Channel. The Popular Perfume Chanel
Channelle  (French)
Canal; Channel. The Popular Perfume Chanel
Chenelle  (French)
Canal; Channel. The Popular Perfume Chanel
Conall  (Scottish)
Strength, Wisdom;A Popular Name Derived from the Celtic Element Conn (Strength; Wisdom; High) or from Con (Wolf, Dog). Variations: Connell, Connell, Connull
Connell  (Celtic)
Strong in Battle
Connell  (Irish)
Variant of Conall: High and Mighty
Cornal  (English)
Variant of Cornell: College; Name of a Town
Cornall  (English)
Variant of Cornell: College; Name of a Town
Cornel  (English)
Variant of Cornell: College; Name of a Town
Cornell  (English)
College; Name of a Town
Cornell  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Cornelius
Cornell  (Latin)
Variant of Cornelius 'Horn; Hornblower.'
Cornella  (Latin)
Feminine of Cornelius: Horn
Danell  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel 'God is My Judge.'
Danelle  (Hebrew)
God is My Judge
Danelle  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannell  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannelle  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Darnal  (English)
Variant of Darnell: Hiding Place; Hidden Area
Darnall  (English)
Variant of Darnell: Hiding Place; Hidden Area
Darnel  (English)
Variant of Darnell: Hiding Place; Hidden Area
Darnell  (English)
Darnell  (English)
Hiding Place; Hidden Area
Darnell  (English)
Hidden Nook
Dawnelle  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Donalda  (Scottish)
World Ruler; a Feminine Form of Donald, Which is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Variations: Donella, Dolanna, Dolena, Dolina. Short: Donna, Ina, Lena, Lina. (Don-al-dah)
Donell  (Irish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donell  (Scottish)
All Ruler
Donella  (Celtic)
Dark - Haired Elfin Girl
Donella  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donelle  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donelle  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Donal: Rules the World
182 names found for "Nell"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

MacKenzie | Orabel | Mabel | Heraldo | Dayton | Dull | Sahale | Cosimo | Dedric | Somerset | Hans | Rosalie | Nym | Norell | Fathi |