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Meaning of the Name Merlin

The first name Merlin is of Arthurian Legend, Welsh, Celtic, French, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Arthurian Legend: Sea Fortress. in Arthurian Mythology the Wizard Merlin Was King Arthur's Mentor
Welsh: Hawk. from the Sea Fortress. in Arthurian Legend, Merlin Ambrosius Was Adviser/Mentor to King Arthur
Celtic: From the Hill Over the Sea
French: Falcon
English: By the Sea

Similar Names

Marlan | Marlin | Marline | Marlon | Merlion | Merlyn | Marlina | Marlyn | Marylin | Merlina |

Related Names

Ganieda  (Arthurian Legend)
Merlin's Sister
Gwenddydd  (Arthurian Legend)
Merlin's Sister
Gwendolen  (Arthurian Legend)
Merlin's Wife
Gwendoloena  (Arthurian Legend)
Merlin's Wife
Marvin  (Welsh)
Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Marvyn  (Welsh)
Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Matilda  (Arthurian Legend)
Mother of Merlin
Merle  (French)
Blackbird (Merl, Merla, Merline, Myrle, Myrleen, Myrline)
Merlina  (Latin)
Merlyn  (Arthurian Legend)
Sea Fortress. in Arthurian Mythology the Wizard Merlin Was King Arthur's Mentor
Merlyn  (Welsh)
Sea Fortress. in Arthurian Mythology the Wizard Merlin Was King Arthur's Mentor
Merv  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Mervin  (Welsh)
Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Mervyn  (Welsh)
Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Merwyn  (Welsh)
Form of Merlin
Myrddin  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Merlin: Hawk. from the Sea Fortress
Vivian  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Viviana  (Latin)
In Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin
Viviana  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianna  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianna  (Latin)
Variant of Vivien. in Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin
Vivianne  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianne  (Latin)
Variant of Vivien. in Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin

Additional Names

Charmian | Teague | Glen | Godafrid | Roch | Shim'on | Jeni | Adahy | Elnathan | Adrianne | Byreleah | Yashpal | Wilde | Gladi | Lindsay |