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Meaning of the Name Manto

The first name Manto is of Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Prophetess

Similar Names

Maath | Mamta | Mat | Mata | Mate | Mateo | Math | Mato | Matt | Matteo |

Related Names

Manton  (Anglo Saxon)
From Mann's Castle
Manton  (English)
From Mann's Estate
Manton  (English)
From the Hero's Town or Farm
Mantotohpa  (Native American)
Four Bears (Cheyenne)

Additional Names

Belinda | Steffon | Sal | Nelda | Octavio | Pellanor | Yei | Bala | Evelyn | Alam | Paolo | Mallory | Garbhach | Joy | Josephus |