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Meaning of the Name Mandi

The first name Mandi is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved

Similar Names

Maadai | Ma'd | Madai | Madu | Maed | Mahdi | Mahdy | Matai | Matei | Mindy |

Related Names

Amir  (Arabic)
Bathild  (Teutonic)
Bathilda  (Teutonic)
Bathilde  (Teutonic)
Bertild  (Teutonic)
Commanding Battle Maiden
Bertilda  (Teutonic)
Commanding Battle Maiden
Bertilde  (Teutonic)
Commanding Battle Maiden
Bo  (Danish)
Bo  (Danish)
Commanding (Bodil)
Bodil  (Danish)
Botilda  (Swedish)
Hamlet  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Son to the Former King, Whose Ghost Appears to Hamlet Demanding He Avenge His Father's Death by Killing Claudius, the Present King and Brother of the Former
Hermandina  (Greek)
Well Born
Hermandine  (Greek)
Well Born
Imperia  (Latin)
Jared  (Biblical)
A Ruling, Commanding, Coming Down
Kasmira  (Slavic)
Commanding Peace
Kazatimiru  (Slavic)
Commanding Peace
Manda  (Hispanic)
Harmony (Armanda, Mandi, Mandie, Mandy)
Mandie  (English)
Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
Mandisa  (Egyptian)
Mandisa  (African)
Mandisa  (Xhosa)
One Who by Her Presence Brings Happiness to Every One
Mandisa  (African)
Sweetness. Sweet. (South African)
Norm  (American)
Invader of Normandie
Norman  (French)
Invader of Normandie
Oma  (Arabic)
Philip  (Greek)
Lover of Horses, Extravagant, Commanding, Handsome (Felipe, Filippo, Pepe, Phil, Phiiiip, Philippe, Pip, Phipl

Additional Names

Venus | Lesley | Manny | Anuroopa | Weorth | Zakariyyaa | Neuveville | Dondre | Jebusi | Valen | Forester | Bhavani | Narcisse | Melvon | Ferris |