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Names That Mean Love

921 names found for "Love"   (page 1 of 19) 

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Looking for names that mean Love? We couldn't find the exact name Love, but listed below are some first names meaning Love or names similar to the word Love.

Similar Names

Lav | Lev | Levey | Levi | Lobo | Liv | Livi | Livie | Lov | Lovey |

Related Names

Aaron  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus' a Moor, Beloved by Tamora
Abhiram  (Hindu)
Lovely, Pleasing
Accalon  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Morgan Le Fay
Acis  (Greek)
Lover of Galatea
Adabel  (Teutonic)
Lovely or Happy
Adam  (Hebrew)
Red Earth; Lover of Outdoors
Adelfa  (Hispanic)
Beloved Sister (Adelpha)
Adhelle  (Teutonic)
Lovely or Happy
Adonia  (Greek)
Beautiful Young Man Loved by Aphrodite in Mythology
Adonis  (Greek)
Handsome; a Lord. Greek Mythology; a Youth Beloved of Aphrodite
Adora  (Latin)
Beloved One
Adriano  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Don Adriano De Armado, Fantastical Spaniard
Afrodita  (Hispanic)
Goddess of Love and Beauty (Aphrodite)
Agapios  (Greek)
Ahava  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Ahave  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Ahmik  (Native American)
The Beaver,Symbol of Love
Ahsan  (Muslim)
Better. Most Lovely
Ahuda  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Ahuva  (Hebrew)
Being Loved, Cherished One
Ahuva  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Ai  (Japanese)
Ai  (Japanese)
Love, Indigo Blue
Aiko  (Japanese)
Little Love,Beloved
Aiko  (Japanese)
Little Loved One
Aimee  (French)
Aimee  (French)
Beloved Friend
Aimee  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved
Alijiah  (African)
Woman of Love
Althea  (Greek)
Wholesome, from the Verb Meaning 'To Heal'. Althaia Was the Greek Name for the Marshmallow Plant Which Was Believed to Have Healing Powers. Made Popular by Richard Lovelace's Poem 'To Althea, from Pri
Alvan  (Teutonic)
Loved by All
Alvera  (Teutonic)
Dearly Loved
Alverna  (Teutonic)
Dearly Loved
Alvernia  (Teutonic)
Dearly Loved
Alvin  (Teutonic)
Beloved of All
Alvin  (Teutonic)
Loved by All
Alvina  (Teutonic)
Dearly Loved
Alvinia  (Teutonic)
Dearly Loved
Alvira  (Teutonic)
Dearly Loved
Alvyn  (Teutonic)
Loved by All
Alwin  (Teutonic)
Loved by All
Alwyn  (Teutonic)
Loved by All
Amada  (Spanish)
Amada  (Latin)
Variant of Amadeus: He Who Loves God. Famous Bearer: Late Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Amadea  (Latin)
Loved by God
Amadee  (Latin)
Loved by God
Amadeo  (Spanish)
Loves God
Amadeo  (Latin)
Loves God
Amadeo  (Italian)
Loved God
Amadeus  (Latin)
Love of God
921 names found for "Love"   (page 1 of 19) 

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Additional Names

Finghin | Benaiah | Marpesia | Zafar | Ryan | Adrina | Micah | Kevyn | Kontxesi | Dorrian | Dolph | Fitzwater | Chyse | Kylee | Azad |